Table 4 -
Rotary Transmitter Technical Specifi cations
Heater Power
12 - 24 Volts DC
Operating Temperature
-40 ºF to 185 ºF
Recommended Power
Loop Power 4-20 mA
Output Signal Range
4 to 20 mA DC
Load Impedance
0-950 Ohms at 24 Volts DC
Output Current Limit
Internally limited to 33 mA
Ambient Temperature
For a 100 ºF change in ambient temperature,
the maximum zero shift is ±0.3% and the
maximum span shift is ±0.4% of span
Rotation Range
45º - 95º
1% of full scale
±0.3% of full scale
Figure 18 -
Rotary Piston Spring Return Actuator with Snap Acting Selector Relay, P
40 - 150 psig
For Short Dynamic Systems such as Power Plants
1. Control valve will close on increasing measured variable pressure
2. Regulator is to open on loss of power gas
3. VRP-SB-PID and DNGP are non-bleeding in steady state, full open & full closed position
4. Control valve shown in full open position
DNGP with Rotary Position Transmitter (Standard)
The Rotary Position Monitor is used in conjunction with the DNGP. This polarity
independent, transient protected, transmitter can operate with any voltage
from 5 to 38 volts DC. CW and CCW rotation is easily accommodated as well
as long cable runs and multiple receivers. It has an easy set up, non-interactive
adjustment, and is available in 4-20 mA. For information on installation,
calibration, and wiring diagrams please refer to appendix A of this manual.
The rotary transmitter incorporates a 1/4% precision potentiometer
specifically design for DNGP positioner.
*All Dimensions in [mm] in.
Figure 19 -
Overall Dimensions of Rotary Transmitter