Chapter 8 Option Modules
Baseplate Type and Allowable Number of PTMPM Modules
The PTMPM module may be installed in any type of Series 90-30 baseplate (CPU, Expansion, or
Remote). There are no restrictions as to the maximum number of PTMPM modules per PLC
system, or per PLC baseplate, as long as the PLC power supply has sufficient capacity and there is
sufficient %I, %Q, %AI, and %AQ memory available. However, as noted in the “Mounting
Information” section, it is beneficial to keep the PTMIM power wiring physically separated from
PLC signal wiring in order to reduce noise coupling; this can have a bearing on which baseplate
slots to choose when mounting PTMPM modules.
Power Supply Requirement
The PTMPM module requires 400 mA @ 5 VDC from the PLC power supply. The PTMIM does
not require a control power input.
Memory Requirement
Each PTMPM requires the following PLC memory allocation:
%I - 16 bits
%Q - 16 bits
%AI - 25 words
%AQ - 2 words
The PTMPM module should be configured in the Series 90-30 PLC as a “Foreign” module.
Ordering Information
The PTMPM module and its PTMIM interface board are considered to be a matched set and,
therefore, they are not sold separately. The two cables, however, may be ordered as separate items.
There are four catalog numbers in the PTM product line:
IC693PTM100 - This system contains the PTMPM, its matched PTMIM, and the 19”
(0.5 meter) interface cable.
IC693PTM101 - This system contains the PTMPM, its matched PTMIM, and the 39”
(1 meter) interface cable.
IC693CBL340 - The 19” (0.5 meter) interface cable.
IC693CBL341 - The 39” (1 meter) interface cable.
For details, refer to GFK-1734,
90-30 PLC Power Transducer User’s Manual