NOTE: Expanded information on Parameter settings for Tracking and
Power Save modes:
The parameter format is: T0003R020C010 (Default)
Example: 1234-I-TRK-T0003R020C010
The first block in this string indicates the time between position reports for theTracking
Mode. The default time between transmitted SMS containing the GPS data is 3 minutes.
This time can be changed to a number between 3 to 9999 minutes. For example if you
want a SMS with updated GPS information every 30 Minutes while it is in Tracking mode,
it should be set as T0030.
The second block indicates the number of repeated position messages. When this number
is reached the tracker will stop the Track-Mode. Default in Track Mode is R020 and can be
changed to any number from 1 - 999. If this number is excessive, it may be too large for
the battery life.
The third block is only applies if the device is operating from the internal battery, and with
Power Save mode ON. It indicates at what time intervals the tracker will check if a SMS
was sent with a new instruction. This is also valid if the time interval between GPS position
data is large while it is in Tracking mode. The condition to have a check between GPS
data messages when tracking mode is active, is T >2C.
The time can be set between 3 - 999 minutes