Instructions for DKC500ACL/DKC800ACL
Figure 14
Step 7 - Limit Switch Stops
Included in your gate opener kit are two limit
switch stops which must be fitted on your gate
to ensure safe operation.
The limit switch stops are designed to set the
desired opening and closing position of your
gate. When the limit switch stops come into
contact with the magnetic limit switch, the gate will stop moving.
It is extremely dangerous that without or incorrect installation of the limit switch stops can cause
crash of gate, damage of internal structure of the motor, moreover, the gate may slide off the guide
Setting the Limit Switch Stops
Closed Position
Position gate 150-200mm back from the gate end catch closed position. This will help in
making sure you do not slam the gate into the end stop/catch when setting the closed position
under power.
Fit limit switch stop onto the top of chain at the point where it meets the magnetic limit switch on
the motor.
Tighten locking screws of limit switch stop.