PF4K Setup
Page 19
Front Shell, Port and Port Extender
Before installing the Front Shell, Port Extender and Port, visually
inspect the o-rings for dirt or other foreign matter that may compromise the seals.
Do the same with the Front Shell face (where the Front Shell mates) and Port bore
where the o-rings seal.
See the separate document “Housing Care and
Maintenance Guide” for more details.
: Do Not lubricate
the orange Front Bulkhead or Port Extender o-
ring. It is silicone material and lubricant may cause damage.
Only the
BLACK and YELLOW o-rings are safe to lubricate.
Install the Front Shell.
Position the Port Extender over the entire lens / LGD’s and
secure to the front bulkhead with 4 screws. Tighten the 4 screws firmly.
Install Front Shell with 4
screws and washers.