Gates Underwater Products, Inc
5111 Santa Fe Street, Suite H • San Diego, CA • 92109 • 858.272.2501 • 800.875.1052 • 858.272-1208
[email protected] •
Begin by
carefully inspecting the o-rings
. As a matter of habit your should inspect
your equipment o-rings
before every use
. Once you gain experience, this step will be
quick and easy.
use metal tools or objects for removing o-rings! These devices can
easily damage the surface of the o-ring, the groove, or both.
Only If necessary
, remove the o-rings
from the recessed groove where they may be
stretched or secured.
One at a time,
run each o-ring between your fingers and feel for any dirt or
foreign material
. You should also feel a thin film of silicone lubrication on the o-ring
surface of the
black o-rings only
. This helps keep the o-ring flexible and readily
able to seal the o-ring groove of the mating surfaces. If you feel dirt or grittiness,
clean the o-ring.
Next, under good lighting
, closely examine the o-ring surface
, especially if you felt
imperfections on the surface during the previous step. There should be no nicks,
scratches, tears, or scars. Pull slightly on the o-ring as you rotate it through your
hands to illuminate any cracks. The surface should be smooth and clean. If not,
replace it with a new o-ring.
Carefully inspect the recessed groove as well
. There should be no foreign
material here, either. Dirt, hair, sand or any “gritty” feeling stuff means you’ll need to
the o-ring and groove.
For o-ring cleaning you’ll need a lint-free cloth and Q-Tips.
Holding the cloth in your hand, grab the o-ring and gently pull it through the cloth.
Pull the entire loop through several times until all the foreign material has been
removed and the silicone lubricant is gone. Once again inspect the o-ring under
good lighting as described above, since imperfections may be seen more easily
without the silicone lubricant coating.
Using a Q-Tip or the lint-free cloth, thoroughly clean the recessed goove. Press the
Q-Tip deeply into the groove to access corners and remove residual silicone.
After the groove has been cleaned, inspect for and remove any cotton fibers that
may have been shed from the Q-Tip.