Return now to the main navigation menu.
Choose now the RADIO option.
You have a choice now to enter the menu for setting up the transmitter, or
proceeding to other options.
The transmitter setup is show in the relevant section in detail, so now
choose the “No” option.
THRUST CURVE. You now get to the setting for thrust curve (as indicated
in the chart). This is used for Turboprops or Helis (with the governor turned
You have three choices:
Half Expo
Full Expo
Choose the one you prefer after tests.
The last item in the Radio menu options is Restart.
Use the +/- buttons to toggle.
Default is OFF.
For Helis you can select Off or Manual
For TurboProps you can select Off, Manual or Automatic
Read the section on Restart carefully before enabling this function.
Return now to the main navigation menu and choose RUN
RUN Menu.
This menu is used to access all adjustable settings used for when the
engine is running.
Full Power Screen.
This shows the maximum power setting corresponding to full throttle to the
It shows shaft output power in Kw and HP and nominal engine rpm for that
setting. You can reduce or increase the maximum setting within the
application limits, by using the +/- buttons.
For helis, be careful to set a maximum power slightly higher than might be
requested by the governor or headspeed won´t be maintained.
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