The second section of the Map Page is the data window, located at the right
side of the screen display. The data window provides a digital display of
navigation data in relation to your present position, the cursor position or a
particular waypoint.
The top area of the data window includes the destination fields, which
display the bearing and distance to the destination waypoint indicated, with
crosstrack error (XTK) and turn value (TRN) shown at the bottom. If there is
not an active destination waypoint, ‘Not Active’ will be indicated above the
destination fields. The XTK value is the distance you are off a desired course,
while TRN represents the direction in degrees between your course over
ground (COG) and the bearing to your destination. Whenever the cursor is in
use, the destination field will display the distance and bearing from your
present position to the cursor.
The speed and course fields, located below the destination fields, display
your present speed and course over ground (SOG and COG). Directly below
these fields are the arrival and status fields. The arrival fields display your
velocity made good (VMG) and estimated time enroute (ETE). VMG is the
speed you are closing in on a destination along the desired track, with the ETE
representing the total time left to your destination based on your current
VMG. Whenever the cursor is in use, the arrival fields will be replaced by a
position field, which displays the coordinates of the cursor.
The status field, located directly below the arrival field, indicates the
operating mode and map scale currently in use. When the cursor is used to
‘snap’ to an on-screen waypoint or navaid, the arrival and status fields will be
replaced with a waypoint review field, showing the name, position, icon and
comment for the selected on-screen position.
Speed &
Data Window
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