Route Planning
The route planning function will calculate trip infor-
mation for any programmed route and provide data on
both the entire route and each individual route leg.
To perform a route trip and fuel plan:
1. Highlight the Waypoint/Rte field and press
2. Select the ‘Rte’ option and press
. The field high-
light will move to the route number field.
3. Press
to begin selection of the desired route.
4. Enter the route number and press
. The field
highlight will advance to the ‘Leg’ field. Press
select either ‘All’ or a specific route leg (Leg 1, etc.) to
calculate, and press
5. Enter the route or leg speed and press
. The field
highlight will advance to the ‘Flow’ field.
6. Enter the fuel flow for the route or leg and press
The GPS 92 will display the distance, fuel require-
ment and estimated time enroute for the route or route
leg, and provide the desired track for each leg.
Sunrise/Sunset Calculator
The next E6-B function available is the sunrise/sunset
calculator, which will allow you to calculate the sunrise
and sunset for any known waypoint or your present posi-
tion for any specified date.
To calculate sunrise/sunset information:
1. Select ‘Sunrise/Sunset’ on the E6-B menu and press
2. Highlight the waypoint field and press
3. Enter the desired waypoint (or leave the waypoint field
blank to calculate the sunrise/sunset for your present
position) and press
. The field highlight will auto-
matically advance to the date field. Press
4. Enter the day of the month, 3-letter month abbreviation,
and the two-digit year abbreviation. The default date will
be the current date as calculated by the GPS satellites.
5. Press
. The sunrise and sunset for the entered
date will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
Sunrise and sunset for any
waypoint or your current
position may be determined
by using the sunset/sunrise
If your flight will follow an
existing route, you may cal-
culate trip and fuel infor-
mation for individual legs
or the entire route.
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