PART #4527466 (12 Aug 2011)
Page 22
Setting the Proper Combustion Levels
Using the following procedure will ensure
that the proper O
, CO
, & CO levels are
reached. If you have any questions, please
contact 1-800-446-8367. Combustion level
checks and adjustments should only be
performed by a qualifi ed technicians
employed by a factory authorized service center.
1. Remove control panel and lower front panel. Set on
fl oor, leaving all connections in place.
2. The regulator comes set at 3.5” W.C (0.864 kPa) or 10.0”
W.C. (0.249kPa), depending on type of gas. Verify
pressure settings at the test spigot on each gas valve
and adjust the regulator as needed..
3. Slightly loosen nut holding butterfl y air shutter
adjuster on the combustion air blower connected to
the burner being adjusted just enough that it can be
rotated but will stay in place when force is removed.
Air shutter openings are factory set and marked with
a line on the blower face. Note if the air shutter has
been moved from this reference line. When marking
the blower face with reference lines in the following
steps, make them on the opposite side of where the
factory mark exists.
4. From a cold start, turn
on zone for the burner
being checked and
allow it to run for 1
minute to stabilize.
If the grill is already
preheated, add a load
to the surface to keep
burner operating for
several minutes. With
burner operating,
adjust the air shutter
to a more closed
position until the
fl ame begins to lift or
fl oat off the burner
Good fl ame
Lifting fl ame with lack of air
5. Mark a line on the
blower face along the
edgwe of the shutter
from the air opening
to the end of the
butterfl y shutter. This
is the “low” point of
6. Rotate the air shutter
to a more open setting
until the fl ame loses
blue cone defi nition
or begins to elongate
(approximately double
in height). Mark a
line on the blower
face along the shutter
from the air opening
to the end of the
butterfl y shutter. This
is the “high” point
of reference. If the
air shutter is at a
fully open position
before fl ame changes,
mark the line at this
Lifting fl ame with too much