PixelMASTER GXi Series NVR
User’s Manual
Sensor: sensor input event
Video Loss: lost video event
Motion Detection : motion detection event
CH ALL: Searching for all channels
CH1/CH2/CH3/CH4: choosing the channel to be searched
Research: execute the event search again
10: Time selection & recording indication table / Event search result window
11: display the playback video as a result of searching.
12: show the current playback mode, speed and direction.
: Select the search
mode to ‘VCA Search’.
TYPE : You can select which Type of VA will be displayed in VA list.
STATUS : You can select start/end time of VA events.
VALUE : You can select the value of VA events.
NAME : You can input ID of VA events which is " Object classifier" possible..
You can use file player to display copied video as NVR from at your PC.
File player can be installed along with NVR manager.
If you copy the data to USB memory storage, File player will be created automatically.