PixelMASTER GXi Series NVR
User’s Manual
: select the search mode to
‘Time Search’.
Yellow colored cell indicates the currently selected hour and minute.
Green colored cell means that there is the recording data by the continuous
Red colored cell means that there is the event recording data.
Click or double-click on the cell in the minutes bar will start the playback from the
selected time.
: Right click on the minute bar will show the pop-up
menu such as the left pictures.
: Taking the
‘COPY START TIME’ from the selected time cell
and input it into the
‘From’ of COPY control panel.
: Taking the
‘COPY END TIME’ from the selected time cell and
input it into the
‘To’ of COPY control panel.
: Taking the time for
‘EVENT SEARCH start time’.
Selection the second by clicking on the ‘second’ bar will move the second of playback video
to the selected second. This is only available during the playback on-going.
Each cells in the time selection table indicates whether the recording data exists or not for
that time and channel.