Figure 4.1 - Galil SmartTERM layout
The following SmartTERM
menu items describe basic features of the application.
Download File...
Launches a file-open dialog box that
selects a file (usually a DMC file) to
be downloaded to the controller. This
command uses the DL command to
download the file, clearing all
programs in the controller's RAM.
Upload File...
Opens a file save-as dialog that creates
a file for saving the DMC program
that is in the controller's RAM. This
command uses the UL command to
upload the file.
Send File...
Launches a file-open dialog box that
selects a file (usually a DMC file) to
be sent to the controller. Each line of
the file is sent to the controller as a
command and is executed
Chapter 4 - Software Tools and Communications