For Basic & 6D models
: To reverse the cleaning process, disconnect the pressure and return hoses
from the ATF cooler. Now connect the pressure hose to the cooler
line and the return hose to the
line. Cycle the motor toggle on and let the machine flush for 15 minutes. Regulate the
air supply to 90-100 psi. While the machine is running, open the air purge valve for 10-15 seconds.
Then close the air purge valve for 5 minutes. Repeat the process 3 times.
For TTCF-7AR models
To reverse the cleaning process, simply turn the reverser lever to the opposite setting. Cycle
the motor toggle on and let the machine flush for 15 minutes. Regulate the air supply to 90-
100 psi. While the machine is running, open the air purge valve for 10-15 seconds. Then
close the air purge valve for 5 minutes. Repeat the process 3 times.
See Addendum 2
for an
explanation of the reverser.
Cycle off the motor toggle leaving the air purge valve open for at least 15 seconds to purge the lines of
residual ATF, then close the air purge valve.
Remove both spin on filters, install the filter screens on top of the filters, and spin the filters back in
place on the flusher. Backflush, if possible, the flusher for 5 minutes. Cycle off the motor. Check the
filter screens. If no debris is present, toggle off the motor. Then air purge the lines for 15 seconds.
Now cycle the heater off. Flushing is complete. Remember to always close the air purge valve.
If debris is present in the filter screens, repeat the flushing process.
15. Disconnect the pressure and return hoses from the vehicle cooler lines.
16. Install the test coupling (provided with your domestic adapter kit) to connect the pressure and return
hoses to each other for storage.
17. Unplug the flusher from the wall outlet.
If you feel that you have flushed the vehicle completely and properly, but still see debris in the
filter screens, check these areas of the flusher:
Non By Pass (NBP) spin on filters - for damage or pollution
Severe contamination of the holding tank and/or the flusher hoses
Heater - adjust temperature higher