After setting up all parameters, press and hold 'ENTER' button for more than three
seconds to go for the next step. The display will show you the choice of options which are
charge, discharge and cycle.
Press 'UP' or 'DOWN' button to select 'Charge' ,'Discharge' or 'CYCLE', then chose a sub-
program to be performed using 'INC' or 'DEC' button. To start the process, locate the cursor at
the sub-program to be performed then press and hold 'START/ENTER' button for three seconds.
- Charge mode: Set the charge mode which the charger will work with.
Normal: The charger will work with the parameters which were set at the screen. The
feeding current will be zero at every 90 seconds to have 6 seconds of waster-time for
higher charging efficiency.
Auto: The optimum charge current will be set by the charger automatically. The charge
current set at 'Chg current' will be upper limit of charge current.
Linear: The charging current will be fed continuously without hesitating. The battery is
charged with pure 'Direct-Current'.
- Discharge mode:
Set the discharge model which the charger will work with, on discharging.
Normal: The charger will finish discharging at the time when the voltage drops to the final
voltage set at 'Dchg voltage'.
Auto: The charger will discharge the battery until the voltage drops to 0.90V per cell.
CV-mode: When the voltage has been dropped to the final discharge voltage, the discharger
job will continue until the end current which has been set at 'End current' has been reached
with decreasing discharge current gradually. For maximum discharge, use this mode.
- Cycle mode:
You can use this function for balancing , refreshing and break-in the
battery. All of charging and discharging parameters will be adopted from the values of
'CHARGE' and 'DISCHARGE' programs. Select the sequence of performing program.
CHG>DCHG: The charger starts with charging process, then the battery will be discharged.
DCHG>CHG: It starts with discharging process, then the battery will be charged.
Cautions for NiMH batteries
-Do not allow NiMH batteries to over-heat. Using the battery cooler will prevent over-heating at
charge and discharge.
-Small size batteries like 'AAA','AA' and 'A' can safely be full charged at currents up to 1.0C.Higher
charge current can easily over-heat batteries and thus damage batteries.
-NiMH batteries have higher self-discharge rate compare to NiCd, so it is necessary to recharge the
battery immediately prior to use.
-Store NiMH batteries with some voltages remaining.
8.2 Select program and start the process
NiCd [0] 10 Cell(12.0V)
CHARGE [ Normal ]
D-CHARGE [ Normal ]
Read Vol: 10.40V
[0] 10C 5000mAh
Chg current: 2.0A
Dchg current: 5.0A
Dchg voltage: Default
Delta peak: Default
End current: Auto
Trickle curr: 100mA
Manual of the charger E6D