- 21 -
could each be displaying a different Item value. Also, the extracted value is put into Item 3
where it may be selected for Alarm comparisons and/or Analog Output. If a Coded Alarm
character is included at the end of the sequence, it is ignored. The remote display reading can
only be changed by Meter Reset, a *1C4 Remote display reset command, or another remote
display H or L command.
Mode 12 - Remote display "C"
allows extraction of data from an ASCII string that contains
multiple data values or non-numeric characters. It can accommodate selected Start and Stop
characters. Any number of characters between the Start character and the data can be masked
OFF. Up to 8 display characters (including sign and DP) can be masked ON. Any number of
characters between the last displayed character and the Stop character can be masked OFF.
When CONFIG, CXXX is set, the meter is a Masked Remote Display, and the following para-
meters determine its operation. These must be set while the meter is set to something other
than CONFIG, CXXX, because that is the one setting for which there is no serial communication
with the meter. It is suggested to use CONFIG, 6XXX to set the following parameters, and then
to use CONFIG, CXXX for operation.
1. START character (set to 00 if none desired).
2. STOP character (set to 00 if none desired).
Note: Only one of the above can be set to 00.
3. Number of characters following the START character to be ignored.
4. Number of characters following the ignored characters to be displayed.
The basic two Command formats of the data sent via Serial Communications are:
*#CSDDDDDD.A<CR><LF> where the decimal point is to the right of any one of the D’s (digits).
*#CSD.DDDEPA<CR><LF> This is the exponential format. The decimal point is fixed.
Alarm comparison and Analog Output are not valid in this format.
= Recognition character
= Device address from 1-9, A to V, or 0 for common address.
= Command letter H, K, L.
= Sign of value, space (or +) for positive, - for negative value. Sign is optional in
display modes 0-7, required in 8-11.
= Digit from 0 to 9. Number of digits may be 1-6 in display modes 0-7, but must
be 6 in 8-11.
= Power of 10. 0-9, A-F where A-F represents 10-15
= Optional Alarm Character as defined in section 2.1
<CR> = Carriage return character
<LF> = Optional line feed character (ignored)