Model Setting Section
This function allows the spring-loaded switch
operation to be defined in two different ways. The
default definition is that the switch is off unless it
is moved against spring tension to its second posi-
tion, where it is on. Releasing the switch turns it
ALT function allows you to make the switch
function differently, where it remains in a state
until activated again. In other words, if the switch
is off, pulling and releasing turns it on, and pulling
and releasing again turns it off. Therefore, the ALT
mode creates a PULL-ON, PULL-OFF switch.
For example, while using the trainer system the
ALT function allows the instructor to release the
switch, and still allow the student to have control.
The switch must be pulled again in order to dis-
connect the student transmitter.
Be careful not to activate the ALT function if
the spring-loaded switch is being used for Snap
Alternate Switch Setting Procedure
In the Model Menu. press the ALT key to get the
Alternate Switch Setting menu.
Return to Model
Switch Type Selection
Use the H key to select the switch type. NOR =
normal switch action (turns off upon release), ALT =
Alternate switch action (stays on until pulled again).
End setting by pressing the END (N) key.
NOR (Normal) Type ALT
(Alternate) Type
ON in Forward Position
OFF When Released
ON in Forward Position
Does Not Change When Released
OFF in Forward Position
Does Not Change Even When Released
Model Setting Section, Page 52