Model Setting Section
The following controls and menus are used for model settings.
These are settings that may be used individually for any and all of the
different model setups stored in the PCM 1024Z's memory. Each
model setup can have different model settings — for example, each
model may have different servos reversed, its own name, different
transmission type (PCM or PPM/FM), etc.
To get to these settings, press the MDL key from any menu. To
select one, first select the line containing the desired function with the
B, C, or D keys. Then use the F
L keys to select the function
to be entered.
The last five functions in the list below are only appropriate to
powered models.
Select Line With
These Keys
To Home Screen
To System Menu
To Condition Menu
Function Selection Keys
Model Setting Section Contents
Item Definition
CSL. . . .Condition Select . . . . . . . .Use to select flight condition . . . . 40
TIM. . . .Timer Function . . . . . . . . .Sets up different timer modes. . . . 41
& displays
F/S . . . .Failsafe Function . . . . . . . .Defines servo positions when . . . . 42
signals are lost
PMD . .Pulse Mode. . . . . . . . . . . .Select Transmission mode, . . . . . 43
REV . . .Servo Reversing Function . . .Use to reverse the throw . . . . . . . 44
FNC . . .Function Change . . . . . . . .Use to define which control. . . . . 45
moves which function
RST. . . .Data Reset. . . . . . . . . . . .Use to clear & reset different . . . . 46
portions of memory
CUT . . .Engine Cut. . . . . . . . . . . .Makes stopping engine safe . . . . . 47
and easy
CHD . . .Condition Hold . . . . . . . . .Limits throttle when adjusting
. . . 48
flight conditions
TYP. . . .Type Selection Function. . . .Select Airplane, Heli, or . . . . . . . 49
Sailplane model type
CH9. . . .Channel 9 Switch . . . . . . . .Defines location and function. . . . 50
Definition of
Channel 9
MNA . . .Model Name Definition . . . .May be used to identify model . . . 51
ALT. . . .Alternate Switch . . . . . . . .Defines actions for trainer. . . . . . 52
THR . . .Throttle Curve. . . . . . . . . .Adjusts throttle servo response (A.H) 53
SWH . . .Swashplate Type . . . . . . . .Used to input geometry of. . . . . . 54
swashplate (H)
RDR . . .Rotor Direction. . . . . . . .
.Defines the rotor rotation . . . . . . . 56
direction (H)
INV. . . .Inverted Pitch . . . . . . . . . .Sets inverted pitch response of . . . 57
helicopter (H)
PIT . . . .Pitch Curve . . . . . . . . . . .Defines helicopter pitch . . . . . . . 58
response (H)
A = Applies to Airplane mode only. H = Appears with Helicopter models only.
Model Setting Section, Page 39