Laser cutting and engraving systems can present a significant fire hazard due to the extremely high
temperatures generated by the laser beam.
While the objective of most cutting and engraving operations
is to vaporize material without burning, most materials capable of being cut or engraved are inherently
combustible and can ignite. Usually this is a small flame of burning material issuing from the cut zone which
self-extinguishes due to the air assist or depowering of the beam. However, it is possible for the flame to
propagate and set fire to the machine and its surroundings.
Fire Safety
Always keep a properly maintained and inspected 5lbs. or larger fire extinguisher on hand.
Full Spectrum Laser recommends a Halogen or multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguisher.
Halogen extinguishers are more expensive than a dry chemical, but offer certain advantages
should you ever need to use an extinguisher. The Halogen extinguisher are expensive but easy
clean, while the dry chemical extinguisher discharges a sticky, corrosive powder that is very
difficult to clean up.
Warning! Stacking materials can lead to increased risk of flame propagation or work piece
Always keep the area around the machine clean and free of clutter.
Never store any flammable materials near the device.
Never operate your machine unattended.
There is a significant risk of fire if set improperly, or if
a mechanical or electrical failure occurs while operating.
Fiber Galvo Materials
Below are a list of materials usable with your Galvo.
Warning!! Using any material not listed below may void your warranty and may pose a fire risk!
Note: The Fiber Galvo is capable of cutting all these materials but specializes on engraving on metals.