Safety During Operation
The output of the fiber engraving laser is fully contained in a Class 3 enclosure during normal operation.
However, the output beam is accessible to the operator during normal operation, giving the total system an
overall rating of Class 3B. Class 3 lasers have minimal safety concerns when used properly and handled with
care. The laser system is designated as Class 3B due to the fact that safety glasses must be used when
observing the laser engraving process.
Follow these Safety Guidelines at all times:
Never engrave or cut any unknown material.
The vaporization/melting of many
materials, including but not limited to PVC and polycarbonates, can give off hazardous
fumes. Please refer to the MSDS sheet from the material manufacturer to determine the
response of any work material to extreme heat (burning/fire hazard).
Never operate the machine in an area without a proper ventilation.
Most materials
produce an irritating smoke when engraved. Some materials, including but not limited to
paint, varnish, composition board, and plastics possess toxic compounds.
Always use the provided safety glasses when looking at the laser.
Never aim any laser towards an aircraft or vehicle that is in motion.
General Safety