Create Design
Projects are created in design software and then imported to RetinaEngrave 3.0. A PDF file is mainly
used for both raster and vector data due to its ease of conversion. For engraving, a JPEG file is best due
to its bitmap files. It is important to know if you intend to do a vector cut or an engraving and choose the
most appropriate file type. This will greatly aid the user to design in RE3 without needing outside design
software. If the user decides to use a third party software, choose one you are most comfortable with, as
most can convert the image to PDF. You can also “direct print” to the software. Each operating system
does this in a slightly different way, so check the instructions for your particular computer.
Connect to Software RetinaEngrave v3.0
*Refer to Section II: Assembly & Connectivity.*
Import Design
Import your designs by selecting the “Open File” icon, or by dragging and dropping your file into the
workspace. This software detects a wide variety of file types.
Place Material
Place your material into the laser bed workspace. The material can be placed anywhere in the work
area. Once the material is placed, close the lid. Your material can range from wood, acrylic, cardboard,
fabric, and steel.
Note: It is the user’s responsibility to know the components of material used and its limitations
(thickness, chemical residues, etc.). Check with the material manufacturer, or MSDSonline.com, if
there are any questions to its usage. We recommend using a Materials Log to keep track of the
different materials you use.