Using the vSpace Management Console
Using the vSpace Management Console
The vSpace Management Console is used to administrate client sessions and con
advanced features. Several basic console commands can be accessed by administrators
through the vSpace system tray icon. These include:
vSpace Management Console: This opens the Management Console so that advanced
settings and con
gurations can be made for the client sessions.
Station Information: Displays basic identifying data for the current access device.
vSpace - Send Message: Opens the vSpace messaging window, which can be used
to display messages on any terminal connected to the same host.
Non-administrator users also have access to several settings through the vSpace system tray icon.
These include:
Station Information (see above)
vSpace - Send Message (see above)
Browser Acceleration: Enables or disables Browser Acceleration to alter browser-based
streaming-media performance (FUTRO DC20-1 access devices only)
vSpace - Keyboard Settings: Con
gure the station’s keyboard default num-lock,
caps-lock, and scrolllock states (access devices only)
To make advanced con
gurations, launch the vSpace Administration Console either from the
(administrator session’s) system tray icon or by the Start Menu shortcut labeled vSpace Console.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions