Your telephone company will probably ask you to dis-
connect this equipment from the telephone network
until the problem is corrected and you are sure that
the equipment is not malfunctioning.
This equ i pm ent may not be used on coin servi ce
tel eph ones provi ded by your tel eph one com p a ny.
Con n ecti on to party lines is su bj ect to state tari
s .
Con t act your state’s public uti l i ty com m i s s i on ,p u bl i c
s ervi ce com m i s s i on or corpora ti on com m i s s i on for
m ore inform a ti on .
This equ i pm ent inclu des autom a tic dialing capabi l i ty.
Wh en programming and/or making test calls to
em er gency nu m bers :
Remain on the line and b riefly explain to the
dispatcher the reason for the call.
Perform such activities in o
-peak hours, such
as early morning or late evening.
FCC rules pro h i bit the use of n on - h e a ring aid
com p a ti ble tel eph ones in the fo ll owing loc a ti ons
or app l i c a ti on s :
All public or semipublic coin-operated or credit
card telephones.
E l eva tors ,h i ghw ays , tu n n els (autom obi l e , su bw ay,
ra i l road or pede s trian) wh ere a pers on wi t h
i m p a i red hearing might be isolated in an em er gen c y.
Places where telephones are specifically installed
to alert emergency authorities such as fire, police
or medical assistance personnel.
Hospital rooms, residential health care facilities,
convalescent homes and prisons.
Workstations for the hearing impaired.
Hotel,motel or apartment lobbies.
Stores where telephones are used by patrons
to order merchandise.
Public transportation terminals where telephones
are used to call taxis or to rese rve lodging or
rental cars.
In hotel and motel rooms as at least ten percent
of the rooms must contain hearing aid compatible
telephones or jacks for plug-in hearing aid compat-
ible telephones which will be provided to hearing
impaired customers on request.
Notice to Users of Radios and Television
This Class B digital app a ra tus meets all requ i rem ents
of the Ca n adian In terferen ce - Causing Equ i pm en t
Reg u l a ti on s .
CET app a reil nu m é ri que de la class B re s pecte to utes
les ex i gen ce du Régl em ent sur le matérial bro u i ll eur
du Ca n ad a .
Notice to Users of the Canadian
Telephone Network
The Canadian Industry Canada label identifies certi-
fied equipment. This certification means that the
equipment meets certain telecommunications net-
work protective, operational and safety requirements.
The Department does not guarantee the equipment
will operate to the user’s satisfaction.
The Life Boo k
500 Series notebook com p uters are
su pp l i ed with an internal modem wh i ch complies
with the In du s try Ca n ada certi fi c a ti on standards for
tel ecom mu n i c a ti on net work pro tecti on and safety
requ i rem en t s . Before con n ecting this equ i pm ent to
a tel eph one line the user should en su re that it is per-
m i s s i ble to con n ect this equ i pm ent to the local tel e -
com mu n i c a ti on fac i l i ti e s . The user should be aw a re
that com p l i a n ce with the certi fi c a ti on standards doe s
not prevent servi ce degrad a ti on in some situ a ti on s .
Rep a i rs to tel ecom mu n i c a ti on equ i pm ent should be
m ade by a Ca n adian aut h ori zed mainten a n ce fac i l i ty. Any
rep a i rs or altera ti ons not ex pre s s ly approved by Fu j i t su
PC Corpora ti on or any equ i pm ent failu res may give the
tel ecom mu n i c a ti on com p a ny cause to request the user to
d i s con n ect the equ i pm ent from the tel eph one line.
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