T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
L i f e B o o k
7 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
with the type detected by the Power On Self
Test (POST). Run the Setup Utility to correct
the inconsistency.
*Invalid NVRAMmedia type
– Problem with
NVRAM access. In the unlikely case that you se e
this message you may have some displ ay probl em s .
You can co n ti nue opera ting but should co n t a ct
your su ppo rt repre sen t a tive for more info rm a ti o n .
*Keyboard controller error
– The keyboard
controller failed test. You may have to replace
your keyboard or keyboard controller but may
be able to use an external keyboard until then.
Contact your support representative.
*Keyboard error
– Keyboard not working. You
m ay have to repl a ce your key b oa rd or key b oa rd co n-
troll er but may be able to use an external key b oa rd
u n til then . Co n t a ct your su ppo rt repre sen t a tive .
*Keyboard error nn
– BIOS discovered a stuck
key and displays the scan code for the stuck key.
You may have to replace your keyboard but may
be able to use an external keyboard until then.
Contact your support representative.
*Monitor type does not match CMOS –
– Monitor type not correctly iden-
tified in Setup. This error probably means your
BIOS is corrupted, run the Setup Utility and set
all settings to the default conditions. If you still
get this error, contact your support representative.
#*Operating system not found
– Operating
system cannot be located on either drive A: or
drive C: Enter the Setup Utility and see if fixed
disk and drive A: are properly identified and that
the boot sequence is set correctly. Unless you have
changed your installation greatly the operating
system should be on drive C:. If the Setup Utility
is correctly set your hard drive is probably
corrupted and your system may have to be
re-installed from your back up media.
*Parity Check 1 nnnn
– Parity error found
in the system bus.BIOS attempts to locate the
address and display it on the screen. If it cannot
locate the address,it displays
? ? ? ?
. This is a
potentially data destroying failure. Contact your
support representative.
*Parity Check 2 nnnn
– Parity error found
in the I/O bus.BIOS attempts to locate the
address and display it on the scr een. If it cannot
locate the address,it displays
? ? ? ?
. This is a
potentially data destroying failure. Contact your
support representative.
#*Press <F1> to resume,<F2> to SETUP
is displayed after any recovera ble error message.
Press the
F 1
key to con ti nue the boot process or
F 2
key to en ter Setup and ch a n ge any set ti n gs .
#Press <F2> to enter SETUP
– message is dis-
played during Power On Self Test (POST). The
message can be turned off by the Setup Utility
Boot Options Submenu, (see page 63), but the
key will still perform the same function.
#*Previous boot incomplete – Default configu-
ration used –
Previous Power On Self Test
(POST) did not complete successfully. Power
On Self Test (POST) loads default values and
ers to run Setup. If the failure was caused by
incorrect values and they are not corrected, the
next boot will likely fail also. If using the default
settings does not allow you to complete a success-
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