S e c t i o n O n e
Software Data Security Features
The operating system and some applications
have security features that are independent of
the built-in hardware protection features that
are controlled from the BIOS. See your software
documentation for more information about
these features.
Make sure you memorize your pass-
words, both hardware and software.
If you forget, you may not be able to
use your notebook, and you will have
to contact your service provider and
arrange to have them reset the hardware
system password. See your software
manuals for what to do if you forget
your software security password(s).
Your LifeBook
500 Series has a built-in hardware
control password security feature that allows you
to protect the data stored in your notebook from
unauthorized access. Your operating system
and some applications have software control
password security features that allows you to
protect all or portions of the data stored in your
notebook from unauthorized access.
H a rd w a re Data Security Feature s
Wh en you are using your notebook built-in hard-
w a re con trol password to gain access to your note-
book the actual password wi ll not appear on the
s c reen . This is a safety prec a uti on . The hardw a re
con trol sec u ri ty para m eters are set from the BIOS
s etup uti l i ty. (See Securi ty Menu on pa ges 75–76
for more info rm a tion on set ting and cl e a ring
pa s s wo rds and en a bling and disabling built-in
se c u ri ty fe a tu re s .)
Software security feature passwords may
not be the same as the hardware security
passwords. Be sure you know which
features are controlled from software
and which from hardware or you may
lock yourself out of your own data or
lock up your hardware and not be able
to operate your notebook.
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