Changing Exclusive Area Values
Confirm that Request Exclusive area, Respond to Exclusive area, Request Common
area, and Respond to Common area are all OFF.
When Request Exclusive area is ON, the Product judges that writing of Exclusive area
data has been requested and starts writing of Exclusive area data. When writing of
Exclusive area data is completed, Respond to Exclusive area is ON.
Exclusive area is only for writing. No reading is allowed.
1. Set any arbitrary target value to OF value (set load arrival output), HI value (High
Limit), and LO value (Low Limit). Set these values as 32-bit signed binary values.
2. Turn ON Request Exclusive area.
3. Confirm Respond to Exclusive area is ON.
4. Turn OFF Request Exclusive area.
5. Confirm Respond to Exclusive area is OFF.
6. Confirm the values have been changed.
When OF value (set load arrival output), HI value (High Limit), or LO value (Low
Limit) is changed in the Exclusive area, all values are changed. When you want to
change either one of them, use the appropriate command of the Common area.