After mobile phone Bluetooth module searched to find the Bluetooth blood pressure
monitor, it display
ClinkBlood” .
.Press the
ClinkBlood” till “Connected” display on mobile phone screen which means
successfully connected with blood pressure monitor.
.Slide mobile phone screen to "Slave - > Host" and switch its NOTIFIED VALUES
status from "Listen for notifications" to "Stop listening", which means it will be status of
"Listening" once open. As shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 3
.Then go to
, in
Write new value
, input below commands respectively
Connect blood pressure monitor
04 00 A0 A4
Blood pressure monitor start measuring
04 00 A1 A5
Blood pressure monitor stop
04 00 A2 A6 As shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5
Figure 4
. Press command of “Connect”
then press “Start measuring” command
blood pressure
monitor start to measure, open
Log” to see the blood pressure monitor dynamic
measurement process. It
is hexadecimal.