11.12 Replacement of safety valve
Replace the safety valve as follows:
1) Reclaim the refrigerant completely in the system. Doing so requires professional staff and equipment;
2) Note to protect the tank coating. Avoid damage to coating from external force or high temperature when removing and installing
the safety valve;
3) Heat the sealant to screw off the safety valve. Note to protect the area where the screwing tool meets the tank body and avoid
damages to the tank coating;
4) If tank coating is damaged, repaint the damaged area.
safety valve
outlet of safty valve
Fig.11-1 Replacement of safety valve
• The air outlet of safety valve must be connected to the appropriate pipe,which can direct the leaking refrigerant to the
appropriate place for discharge.
• Safety valve warranty period is 24 months. Under the specified conditions, if flexible sealing parts is used, the safety
valve life expectancy is 24 to 36 months, if metal or PIFE sealing components is used, the average life expectancy is
36 to 48 months. Visual inspection is needed after that period, maintenance people should check the appearance of
the valve body and the operating environment. If the valve body is not obvious corrosion, cracks, dirt, damage, then
the valve can be used continually.Otherwise, please contact your supplier for spare part.