Rittal CMC III Access Control
6 Operation
Each line contains the parameter "Key" or
"Crd" depending on whether the line applies
to a coded lock or transponder reader.
The entries are explained in detail using the following
example configuration.
Fig. 17: Example configuration
– Handle 1 is opened using access code "1234" (line
11 in the editor window). User "cmc" and the infor-
mation "Info 1" are entered in the CMC III PU logfile.
– Handle 2 is opened using access code "123456"
(line 12). User "Rittal" and the information "Info 2" are
entered in the CMC III PU logfile.
– Both handles are opened using access code
"12345678" (line 13). User "admin" and the informa-
tion "Info 3" are entered in the CMC III PU logfile.
In lines 15 to 17, a transponder card has also been as-
signed to each of the users. These transponder cards
open the same handles as the access codes above.
The respective users and associated information are
entered in the CMC III PU logfile.
Time interval for the four-eyes principle
The time interval for registration in the four-eyes princi-
ple is specified in the line with the "4-Eyes" entry.
Time interval in seconds within which the
two persons must register with their tran-
sponder cards or their number code.
Tab. 16: Time interval for the four-eyes principle
Assignment of reader units to access modules
The lines for the assignment of reader units to access
codes contain the following entries:
Serial number of the Access Control or
the (virtual) access controller to which the
reader unit is connected with the following
assigned handles or doors.
Serial number of the Access Control or
(virtual) access controller to which the
access module to be switched is connect-
ed. Several comma-separated entries for
different Access Control units can also be
added here.
Tab. 17: Assignment of reader units to access modules
access module is assigned to the
"Handle" entry, the reader unit will be as-
signed to
access modules. In this case,
all doors activated for the transponder card
or the number code will be opened, irre-
spective of which reader unit is used.
6.7.3 Uploading the file
Once all entries have been made in the "access.cmc3"
file, this file has to be stored in the "upload" directory
on the CMC III Processing Unit again.
◾ Establish an FTP or SFTP connection to the CMC III
Processing Unit from a PC again.
◾ Switch to the "upload" folder in the right-hand sub-
window (CMC III PU).
◾ In the left-hand subwindow (PC), switch to the folder
where you have stored the revised version of the
"access.cmc3" file.
◾ Right-click the "access.cmc3" file and select the
"Upload" action.
◾ If the file cannot be uploaded this way, first delete the
existing "access.cmc3" file from the "upload" directo-
ry and then upload the file from the PC again.
◾ Finally, disconnect the (S)FTP connection between
the PC and CMC III PU.
The access authorisations have now been updated.