Flughandbuch XCitor
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This manual was written in order to provide information to pilots as well as to
instructors for a safe and efficient use of this paratrike.
In addition to some legal issues we added some important operation informations.
In order to fly this paratrike the pilot needs a valid license. There may be additonal
licenses required if a passenger is on board.
Depending on your national regulations the trike may only be operated from
certified airfields. Flights within controlled air space usually needs a permission
which is often given by radio.
Additional requirements like a valid 3
party insurance must be fulfilled.
Fresh Breeze delivers the Xcitor according to the German Certification. The legal
use in any othe countrie must be checked by the pilot. He is fully responsible for
any legal issues.
Prior to flight the pilot must make himself familiar with all the features and
characteristics of the Xcitor.
It is a must to read this handbook properly and to study the Xcitor trike carefully on
the ground.
The XCitor paratrike is designed and certified according to the German Air Law.
It has the Certification No. 586/05-7 1 handed out from the DULV (German
Ultralight Association).
Noise tests were passed according to the actual legal regulations.
The following definitions will be used in this handbook for warnings, safety
measures and remarks.
They mean:
WARNING: means that not paying attention to it will lead to a significiant loss of
flight safety.
ATTENTION: means that not paying attention may cause a significiant loss of flight
safety over a longer time period.
REMARK / HINT: leads the attention to certain circumstances which will not
influence flight safety directly but are unusal or important.
Read safety messages in publications like aviation magazines or
Aeronautical Information Publication, VFR-Bulletin etc.
Don’t fly under thermal or turbulent conditions. Any paraglider will keep ist
shape du to the inner pressure. This pressure can only stay built up under usual air
flow conditions.
Use additional caution if there is any tendency of a thunderstorm. Never fly
to close to the front. You can be pulled up into the clouds! Better is to make a
safety landing!
Inform yourself about about low level flight areas. Stay clean of them.
ATTENTION: No smoking on board permitted due to fire protection!