Flughandbuch XCitor
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If the brake lines are too long, the paraglider reacts slowly and is difficult to land.
However during the flight you can wrap the brake lines around your hands to
minimise this problem. Adjust the brake lines to a suitable length after the landing.
We recommend this technique prior to a landing as well. Doing so the potential
brake travel can be increased. This makes it easier especially under windy
conditions to make the glider come down straight behind the trike. Don’t fly too
slow and don’t wrap the brake more than 1x around the hand as long as you are in
the air so that no stall might occur during the flight.
Caution! Accident risk!
If the brake lines are too short, the following risks could arise:
the risk of an unexpected early stall.
the paraglider does not launch well and there is a risk of full-stall.
the behaviour of the paraglider in extreme flight conditions may be
Caution! Accident risk!
Disturbances (e.g. collapses) are much more dramatic with increased speed than
when the glider is set to a slower cruise speed. Because of the increased risk of
collapsing, we strongly recommend that you do not set the trim system to high
speeds when flying under turbulent conditions or close to the ground.
The trim system consists of 2 trim levers, which can be moved fore and aft against
a certain friction force (5-7 kg at the handles). The friction force can be adjusted
with the centre screw of the trim levers.
Never use grease or oil etc. at the bearing of the trim lever!
The trim levers are connected via a rope with the end of the suspension bows.
This systems causes the wing to twist, but it works like a brake line: Pushing the
lever forward to a slow position causes the trailing edge of the glider to go down,
increasing the angle of attack and making this side slower. If one lever is more
forward than the other the glider will steer to this side.
If both levers are pulled back tha glider will accelerate and fly with a higher speed.
Vice versa the XCitor will fly slower of both levers are pushed forward.
The connection rope from the trim levers to the suspension arcs goes 3 times
around a roll. This roll can move freely only into one direction, the other is locked.
Pushing the lever forward will cause the roll to rotate.
If the lever is released the glider tries to pull the lever back. But as the roll cannot
turn it the rope is pulling itself tight around the roll. The more the glider pulls the
tighter the rope will be!
Only if the lever is pulled back by hand then the rope is “pushed” towards the roll,
causing an immediate release. So the rope can slide around the locked roll.
In order to make it impossible for the glider to pull the trim lever back when it is
released there must always be the required friction force at the trim lever!