Flughandbuch XCitor
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was checked (5-8 kg!). If the move significantly easier they may be pulled back
during high G manoeuvres into the fast position. When flying in a narrow curve
anyway (via the brake line) this may cause an unexpected narrowing of the curve
radius, increasing speed at the same time.
This curve must be finished with the brake line as it may require much force to
move the trim lever forward again.
CONCLUSION: Avoid to fly curves with the trim system in addition to the brake
lines into the same direction.
If one trim lever moves back due to too light movement and high G loads
counteract the resulting curve with the brake line.
As already mentioned in chapter 1.2, engines for ultralight airplanes don’t have to
be certified accordingly to aeronautical standards due to cost reasons.
Therefore you have to be aware that such an engine may quit at any time. Please
keep that always in mind!
Fly only having always a plan in mind where to land in case of a forced landing.
Train flying and landing with the engine shut off. Get familiar with the glide ratio of
your XCitor.
Only if you do so you you will never get into a situation which will surprise and
overextend you.
If the engine quits suddenly and unexpected we recommend the following
During take off roll, not airborne yet:
Keep direction, and brake the XCitor
At take off, in the air:
Straight landing
Being higher than 80 m:
If necessary make a flat curve to land
against the wind.
In flight, being higher than 100m:
Search for a suitable landing field, watch
wind direction and speed. Try to land
against the wind or up the hill.
Over trees or high grass etc.:
Land as if the surface of the plants
would be the runway. Land as slow as
Rough running engine, power loss
May indicate an iced carburettor.
Watch rpm, emergency landing
Fresh Breeze could never notice any case of carburettor icing even at typical icing
conditions (0 - 4°C, high humidity) due to the inje ction system. But this is no
warranty at all!
Engine start during flight can be easily done. Switch the main switch on and press
the starter button. Everything else as described in chapter 4.2.