Flughandbuch XCitor
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during take off much slower and worse.
WIND: In general every take off and every landing has to be made against the
wind. Move always the XWing into the wind. If the XCitor has to be rolled against
the wind at an angle, the leeward brake should be pulled slightly to keep the wing
on course.
If under strong wind conditions has to b landed apply after touch down the front
brake so that the XCitor will not roll back. Prior to landing you should wind up the
brake lines around your hands so that you have enough travel to make the glider
fall down behind the trike.
If the brake travel is not sufficient you may release the brake and wind it up around
your hands one or two turns more. Repeat until the glider is down.
It may help if the brake is slightly released so that the XCitor rolls back with the
wind in a controlled manner.
Don’t fly under thermal conditions with maximum speed. This will cause high wing
loads and also a small angle of attack. This will cause the canopy to fold in easier,
if suddenly wind comes from above.
The best choice is a vertical position for the trim lever.
FLIGHTS IN SNOWY CONDITIONS: They are not permitted at all. In case ist
starts to snow during flight the flight must be cancelled.
There are mo „normal“ temperatures (between –10 and +40° C) where limitations
But you have to make sure that the cooling agent is mixed accordingly to the
manufacturers instruction. At high temperatures keep watching the water
temperature carefully.
In addition the required power and the required flight speed increases, so that the
take off distance gets longer than in winter. This is similar to flights in high altitudes.
The XCitor has a unique trim system providing a fully operational backup system
for steering via the brake lines.
Only for take off and landing the brake lines should be used as they provide more
feedback and a quicker response.
Due to the clockwise running propeller the XCitor will bank slightly to the left and
therefore fly a wide left curve.
Pushing the trim lever on the right side into a more fore position than the one on
the left side will counteract that.
But even narrow curves are possible just with the trim system. Due to the propeller
torque curves to the left side will be narrower than curves to the side (as long as
you fly with engine power).
Don’t steer with the brake to the same side as you do already with the trim system!
Both inputs will be added causing steep curves with bank angles outside the limit of
60°. They can be controlled and finished – that was proven in flight tests – but this
may be difficult for inexperienced pilots.
Also high G loads will occur during such narrow curves. If you try to push just the
(outer) trim lever forward this may be very difficult due to the high wing loads. In
this case use the brake lines to stop the curve. Then – if still desired – the trim
levers can be moved as usual.
Make sure that during the start check the correct friction force of the trim levers