Flughandbuch XCitor
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front etc. Below we explain various ways to make a rapid descent which can be
carried out safely with the XCitor if the pilot has the necessary knowledge and if
they are correctly executed.
With all rapid descent methods, the trim system should be completely set to slow
and the rpm's reduced to idle.
All of the manoeuvres are more dynamic than when you fly with a backpack system
or even without a motor due too the high wing load.
The spiral dive is the classic method for making a rapid descent with a sink rate of
up to 14 m/s in normal flight situations, and up to 20 m/s in extreme flight
situations. It is particularly suitable where there is a high ascent rate and little wind.
Spiral dives with a sink rate above 14 m/s are not tested on certification; this
exceeds the manufacturer's limits.
Whilst flying at full speed, start to apply the brake on one side. This will steer the
paraglider into a turn with a strong bank. You can tell that you are in a spiral dive if
you are being pressed hard against your seat (high centrifugal force).
When you are in a spiral dive, you should steer very carefully because the
paraglider will react immediately. Banking and rate of turn increase if braking
efficiency increases. Look down before and during a spiral dive so that you always
know how far you are away from the ground!
Recover from the spiral dive slowly and carefully. If you release the brakes too
quickly, the increased speed can cause the wing to climb, become unsettled, or
partly collapse.
Due to the reduced possibility when flying in a trike to use weight-shifting, you must
always recover actively from the spiral dive with the outside brake.
Caution! Accident risk!
Very high turn speeds can be reached with spiral dives, with high G-loads.
So be careful when you try this!
Do not continue the spiral dive too long; you could lose consciousness.
Never attempt this with less than 150 to 200 meters ground-clearance.
Spiral dives combined with other methods like B-stall or "big ears" are not
possible with the XCitor without any changes and are not allowed at all.
The best glide ratio is achieved in calm wind conditions without using the brakes,
and the trim system set to slow (vertical levers).
The smallest rate of descent is achieved if 20 to 30% brake is applied, at the
slowest setting of the trim system (levers completely forward). If more brake is
applied the sink rate will increase again. This is helpful during the final approach.