You can see the manual transmission shift patterns on either the shift
lever knob or the sun visor. Study this information carefully before you
drive your vehicle even though you may be familiar with similar units. Do
not attempt to drive your vehicle without knowing the exact shift pattern
of the transmission. Consult an authorized dealer if any questions exist
as to the shifting instructions posted in your vehicle.
Driving Hints
Do not coast the vehicle with the clutch pedal
pressed or with the transmission in neutral. This practice could
result in loss of vehicle control.
The following driving hints are a brief, general guide in operating the
different manual transmissions used in your vehicle.
When shifting into first gear or reverse with your vehicle standing
still, quickly release and press the clutch pedal (if necessary to
complete gear engagement).
Always use the lowest (or most appropriate) gear to start your
Always use a gear ratio low enough to allow the engine to operate
above the minimum engine operation speed range.
Do not lug the engine.
Do not slam or jerk the gearshift lever into gear.
When more power is required, shift to a lower gear and accelerate
the engine near the governed speed.
To go forward, press the clutch pedal in and shift into first gear while
the engine is idling. Engage the clutch while pressing the accelerator to
start forward. Operate the clutch and upshift as required by driving
To go backward, put the gearshift lever in reverse and engaging the
clutch while pressing lightly on the accelerator.
Shifting with a Synchronized Transmission
With the clutch pedal pressed in, use the second gear synchronizer to
stop the clutch disc rotation, this allows smooth engagement of first gear
or reverse. To complete the gear engagement, it may be necessary to
apply light pressure to the gearshift lever during initial engagement of
the clutch. It takes a second or two to match gear speeds; steady
pressure on the gearshift lever helps the synchronizer perform its job
2015 F-650/750
Owners Guide gf
, 1st Printing, December 2013