TView Pro AV 1600 User's Manual Rev 1.02
3.1.15 IR Remote Disable (Toggle) (Not Available from IR remote mouse)
This control disables the operation of the IR remote mouse. Select “IR ON” to enable the operation of the remote
mouse. Select “IR OFF” to disable the operation of the IR Remote Mouse and prevent IR conflicts.
3.1.16 Colorbar Pattern Enable (Toggle) (Not available from the IR Remote Mouse)
This control enables the Colorbar pattern to be displayed at the television output. Use the Colorbar test pattern to
test for succesful connection of the Pro AV 1600 to the television device; no input source is required. Select
“COLORBAR ON” to enable the color bar pattern to be displayed at the output. Select “COLORBAR OFF” for
normal operation.
3.1.17 YUV /RGB Selection mechanism (Toggle) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control selects the color space of the component output. Select “RGB OUTPUT” for RGB appearing on the R-Y,
Y and B-Y connectors respectively. Select “YUV OUTPUT” for BetaCam levels of R-Y, Y and B-Y appearing on the
R-Y, Y and B-Y connectors respectively.
3.1.18 Sync Selection (Multiple) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control determines how the TView Pro AV will interpret input synchronization signals from the Computer
Graphics device. Select “IN= VGA SYNC” for VGA input and other devices that provide 5 wire video signals (i. e.
Red, Green, Blue, and H and V sync). Select “IN= MAC SYNC” for Macintosh input and other devices that provide
4 wire video signals (i. e. Red, Green, Blue, and a composite sync). Select “IN= GRN SYNC” for Workstation input
and other devices that provide 3 wire video signals (i. e. Red, Green, Blue, with composite sync on Green).
3.1.19 Contrast (Range) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control enables the user to control the contrast of the output video. The relative value of contrast is indicated
on a scale of 0 to 127. The default value is 62.
3.1.20 Brightness (Range) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control enables the user to control the brightness of the output video. The relative value of brightness is
indicated on a scale of 0 to 127. The default value is 60.
3.1.21 Saturation (Range) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
This control enables the user to control the saturation of the output video. The relative value of contrast is indicated
on a scale of 0 to 127. The default value is 127.
3.1.22 Save Configuration (Multiple) (Not available from IR remote mouse)
The Pro AV 1600 enables the storage of 15 user defined parameter sets of all of its control settings. (A 16
SaveRecall parameter set is automatically saved and recalled on power-up.) To save the current setting select the
Save command with the + / - buttons. The next configuration to be saved will be indicated on the display. The act of
pressing any one of the arrow buttons will cause the current set of parameters to be saved as “Save Set #” (where #
is the # appearing on the display). The display will immediately increment to the next Save Set number. The Save
feature is not available from RS-232/422 Control.