TView Pro AV 1600 User's Manual Rev 1.02
TView Pro AV 1600 controls and adjustments
There are several parameters on the TView Pro AV 1600 that can be controlled through by the TView Pro AV 1600's
control interfaces. TView Pro AV models have three methods of control: front panel control, RS-232/422 and IR
remote control. All methods are interchangeable and simultaneously active (i. e. a front panel button push can be
followed by an IR remote control command).
Not all controllable items are accessible by the IR remote mouse. This provision is deliberately intended to prevent
the user of an IR remote mouse from accidentally changing the video standard from NTSC to PAL, etc., at a critical
moment in a presentation.
Additional adjustments to functions that are likely to accessed infrequently - or are intended to be adjusted by
service personnel only - are available in the form of potentiometers, variable capacitors and jumpers on the TView Pro
AV 1600 board itself. Access to these internal adjustments requires the removal of the TView Pro AV 1600's cover.
3.1 TView Pro AV 1600 Interface Controllable Functions
The following parameters are accessible using the TView Pro AV 1600's control interfaces. Each of the controls has
one of three possible types of parameters associated with it , Toggle (the function is either on or off), Multiple Choice
(there are several, mutually exclusive options) or Range (the parameter varies over a range of values for a particular
function). Section 4 details the use of each of the Control interfaces.
3.1.1 Horizontal/Vertical Position (Range)
This control enables the user to position the converted Computer Graphics with respect to the output television. The
actual functioning of this control is dependent on the state of the Zoom function. If Zoom is off, H/V Position
enables minor changes in position of the full screen image. If Zoom is on, H/V position functions as a pan and scroll
control, positioning the input window for zooming.
3.1.2 Horizontal/Vertical Size (Range)
This control enables the user to size the converted Computer Graphics with respect to the output television. The
actual functioning of this control is dependent on the state of the Zoom function. If Zoom is off, H/V Size enables
minor changes in size of the full screen image. If Zoom is on, the H/V Size Control is inactive. To properly size the
PC output to the television screen follow these steps
Position the underscanned image to the top, left corner of the television screen
Toggle the Pro AV control panel to H,V Sizing
Use the IR remote control pad or arrow keys to size the screen both horizontally and vertically
3.1.3 Zoom (Toggle)
This control applies a 2X Zoom to a portion of the input Computer Graphics. The position of the window is
determined by the H/V Position control.
3.1.4 UnderScan (Toggle)
This control selects whether Underscan is applied to the Television Output. An "UnderScanned" picture slightly
shrinks the whole display such that information in the corners is visible. Select “UNDERSCAN” when you have text
or detail oriented pictures that requires you to preserve fine detail in the corner regions of the display. An
"OverScanned" picture fills the entire area of the screen, which is the natural way of presenting material in television.
Select “OVERSCAN” to present photo-realistic and animation oriented material.