TView Pro AV 1600 User's Manual Rev 1.02
2.3 Sun or SGI Desktop Version
Follow these steps to install your Desktop TView Pro AV 1600 for SGI or Sun systems. If you intend to use the
TView Pro AV with Genlock or component output please see Appendix C (Genlock operation) and Appendix D
(Component output) for further information on these specialty items.
Turn the computer off.
Select a convenient location for the TView Pro AV 1600.
Disconnect the Computer Display from the Computer Graphics device at the Computer Graphics device.
Connect the HyperCableGOLD-13W,13W3M-HD15F cable into the Computer Graphics Device. Connect the
other end of the HyperCableGOLD-13W,13W3M-HD15Fcable into the VGA In connector of the TView Pro AV
Connect the HyperCableGOLD-13W,HF15M-13W3F cable into the VGA Out connector of the TView Pro AV
Connect the Computer Display to the female end of the HyperCableGOLD-13W,HF15M-13W3F cable.
Connect your Video Device to the Composite Video or S-Video output connector. (You may connect both
outputs simultaneously to the same or different Video Devices: Video is always available on both these outputs.)
Plug the 13.5 VDC Power Supply's jack into the TView Pro AV 1600’s power input (marked 12-18 VDC, 23W, 2.5
Plug the 13.5 VDC Power Supply into an electrical outlet. (If you have a Universal Power Supply, you will have
to supply an appropriate IEC-320 compatible power cord for your country).
Turn the TView Pro AV 1600 On.
From the Front Panel or RS-232/422 control, set the Sync Selection to “IN= MAC SYNC” or “IN= GRN SYNC”,
depending on whether your workstation delivers separate composite sync (also referred to as 4 wire) or
composite sync on green (also referred to as 3 wire). As a general rule, Sun systems are 4 wire, SGI systems are
3 wire and all other workstation (DEC, HP, IBM, etc. are 3 wire). See section 3.1.19 for additional details on
Sync Selection.
Turn the System On. If everything is correctly installed, you will see your computer's normal power up sequence
appearing on both the Computer Display and the Video Device (if the Video Device has a visible display).