Operating Manual DLS2
Material Edge or Line Detection Mode
This operation mode enables to recognise an edge of a material web or the edge of a
wide line. The edge must fulfil certain parameters to be recognised as an edge:
The absolute contrast may not be smaller then 50% from the reference edge
The contrast steepness may not be smaller then 50% from the reference edge
The direction of contrast change must match with the reference edge
The Edge Mode can be chosen with the
The small green LED above the key will
light to confirm that this mode is active.
Operation Mode
LED -Display
line detection mode
is indicated by one shining
LED that gives the position of the line in relation to
the sensor detection range. If none LED is shining,
the sensor can’t recognise the line.
edge detection mode
is indicated by several
shining LEDs that gives the position of the material
edge in relation to the sensor detection range. If none
LED is shining, the sensor can’t recognise the edge.
Hologram Detection
Materials with holograms require different illumination conditions as material with
printed lines. To accommodate for this requirements there is a dedicated operation
The sensor can be set to this special operation mode by pressing the
key. The
small green LED above the key will light to confirm that the mode was activated. The
switch to Hologram Detection requires a re-calibration of the DLS2, if no profile for
such a material-object combination exists. The calibration in the Hologram Detection
Mode is carried out analogous to the procedure described in
section 7.6
Pattern Recognition
Not operational