Beijing Flyingvoice technology Co.
When you set enable, the device will send SIP-OPTION to the
server, instead of sending periodic Hello message. The sending
interval is Keep-alive interval.
Primary SER Detect
Test interval of the primary server, the default value is 0, it
represents disable.
Max Detect Fail Count
Interval of detection of the primary server fail; the default value is
3, it means that if detect 3 times fail; the device will no longer
detect the primary server.
Keep-alive Interval(10-60s)
The interval that the device will send an empty packet to proxy.
Anonymous Call
If or not enable anonymous call.
Anonymous Call Block
If or not enable anonymous call block.
Proxy DNS Type
Set the DNS server type, choose from A type and DNS SRV.
Use OB Proxy In Dialog
If or not use OB Proxy In Dialog.
Reg Subscribe Enable
If enable, subscribing will be sent after registration message, if not
enable, do not send subscription.
Dial Prefix
The number will be added before your telephone number when
making calls.
User Type
Choose the User Type from IP and Phone.
Hold Method
Choose the Hold Method from ReINVITE and INFO.
Request-URI User Check
If or not enable the user request URI check.
Only Recv request from
If or not enable the only receive request from server.
Server Address
The IP address of SIP server.
SIP Received Detection
If or not enable SIP Received Detection, if enable, use it to confirm
the public network address of the device.
5.4.2 SIP setting
1)SIP Parameters