Beijing Flyingvoice technology Co.
6.4.2 Attended Transfer
Assuming that call party A and B are in conversation. A wants to Attend Transfer B to C:
Step 1.Party A dials *77 to hold B, A will hear dialing tone
Step 2.Dial party C’s number, and press # (or wait for 5 seconds) to call C, then A will hear ringing
Step 3.If C answer the call, A will talk with C firstly
Step 4.If C wants to talk with B, A press “*98” to transfer, and then C will talk with B. If C does not
talk with C successfully, A will talk with B again.
6.5 3-way conference call
Assuming that call party A and B are in conversation. A wants to add C to the conference:
Step 1.Party A dials *77 to hold B, A will hear dialing tone
Step 2.Dial party C’s number, and press # (or wait for 5 seconds) to call C, then A will hear ringing
Step 3.If C answer the call, A will talk with C firstly
Step 4.If C receive the conference, A press “*88” to add C to the conference, and then A,B and C
are in conference.
6.6 Call Forwarding
Step 1. Open Phone→Preferences→Call Forward, enable the one call forward mode and fill
forwarded number
Step 2: G201N4 will forward incoming call to the forwarded number according to the settings of
Call Forward and call status
6.7 Direct IP calls
Direct IP calling allows two phones, that is, an home gateway with an analog phone and another
VoIP Device, to talk to each other without a SIP proxy. VoIP calls can be made between two
phones if:
Both home gateway and the other VoIP device (i.e. another home gateway or other SIP products)
have public IP addresses, or
Both home gateway and the other VoIP device (i.e. another home gateway or other SIP products)
are on the same LAN using private or public IP addresses, or
Both home gateway and the other VoIP device (i.e. another home gateway or other SIP products)
can be connected through a router using public or private IP addresses
To make a direct IP call,
Step 1: Picking up the analog phone or turning on the speaker phone on the analog phone
Step 2: Input the IP address directly with ending char #. E.g. call, dial