3. Multiplex SRXL and Sensorbus
Connect the SRXL Output to Sig. | RX pin. And if you need Telemetry, Sensorbus to TLM | TX. If a
valid SRXL signal is detected, Sensorbus gets automatically active.
The ESC uses as default throttle channel SRXL channel 3. it can be changed in CLI interface.
It uses Sensorbus ID 2-6. configurable in CLI
Available telemetry:
- Voltage (Volt)
- Current (Ampere)
- Consumption (mA/h)
- Temperature (°C)
- RpM (Default for 14 Magnetpole Motor, confugurable in CLI)
Connect the CRSF TX Output to Sig. | RX pin. And if you need Telemetry, CRSF RX to TLM | TX.
The used throttle channel is CRSF channel 0
Available telemetry:
- Voltage (Volt)
- Current (Ampere)
- Consumption (mA/h)