Dec om miss ioning
Before carr ying out this procedure, it is essential that the technic ian i s completely famili ar with
the equipment and all its detail . I t is recommended good practice that all refrigerants are
recovered safely. Pri or to the tas k being carried out, an oi l and refrigerant s ample s hall be tak
en in cas e analy sis is required prior to re-us e of reclaim ed refrigerant. I t is es sential that
electric al pow er i s avail abl e before the tas k is c ommenced.
a) Bec ome famil iar with the equi pment and i ts operation.
b) Is olate s ys tem electric ally.
c) Before attem pting the procedure ensure that:
. M ec hanical handling equi pment is av ailable, i f required, for handl ing refrigerant cyl inders;
. All personal protec t ive equipment is av ailable and being used correc tl y;
. T he rec overy proc es s is supervis ed at all t imes by a competent person;
. R ecovery equipment and c ylinders conform to the appropr iate standards.
d) Pum p down refrigerant sy stem, i f poss ible.
e) If a vacuum is not pos si bl e, make a manifold s o that r efrigerant can be remov ed f rom
vari ous par ts of the sy stem.
f) ) Make sure that cy linder is si tuated on the s cales before r ec overy takes pl ace.
g) Start the recov ery machine and operate in ac cordance with manufac turer's i nstructions.
h) Do not overfill c yli nders . (N o more than 80 % v olume l iquid charge).
i) Do not ex ceed the maximum work ing press ur e of the cy linder, even temporari ly.
j) When the cy linders have been f il led c orrectly and the proces s completed, mak e s ure that
the c yli nders and the equipment are remov ed f rom site promptly and all is olation v alves on
the equipment are cl osed off.
k) R ec overed refr igerant shall not be c har ged into another r efrigeration sy stem unles s it
has been c leaned and check ed.
Charging procedures
In addition to conv entional c hargi ng procedures , the followi ng requirements shall be
Ensure that contaminati on of different refrigerants does not occ ur w hen usi ng c har gi ng
equipment. Hoses or li nes shall be as short as possi ble to minimi se the amount of
refrigerant c ontained in them.
Cy linders s hall be k ept upright.
Ensure that the refrigeration s ys tem is ear thed prior to charging the s ys tem with
Label the sy stem when c harging is compl ete (if not already).
Extreme care shall be taken not to ov er fil l the refrigerati on s ystem.
Prior to rec har gi ng the s ys tem it shall be press ure tested with OFN . The sy stem shall be
leak tested on compl etion of c harging but pr ior to commi ss ioning. A foll ow up leak test shall
be carried out prior to l eav ing the si te.
The safety wire model is 5* 20_5A/ 250VAC ,And must meet the ex pl osion-proof
Содержание ASTRALPOOL 78572
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