Remov al and evac uation
When break ing i nto the refrigerant c irc ui t to m ak e repai rs or for any other purpos e
conv entional procedures s hall be us ed. Howev er, it is important that bes t prac ti ce is
followed sinc e f lammabil ity is a consi deration. T he follow ing proc edure s hal l be adhered to:
. R emove refri ger ant;
. Purge the ci rcuit with inert gas;
. Ev acuate;
. Purge agai n w ith inert gas;
. Open the cir cuit by cutti ng or brazi ng.
The refrigerant charge shall be recov ered i nto the corr ec t rec overy c yli nders . T he s ystem
shall be "f lus hed" wi th OFN to r ender the unit safe. This pr oc ess m ay need to be repeated
sev eral ti mes. C ompressed air or oxy gen s hal l not be us ed for this tas k.
Fl us hing shall be ac hieved by breaki ng the v acuum in the sy stem with OFN and continuing to f
ill until the w or king press ur e is achiev ed, then venting to atm os phere, and f inall y pulling
down to a vacuum. This proc ess s hal l be repeated until no r efrigerant is within the s ystem.
When the fi nal OFN c harge is used, the sys tem s hall be v ented down to atmos pher ic
press ure to enabl e work to take place. T his operati on is abs olutel y vi tal if brazing
operati ons on the pipe-w ork are to tak e pl ace.
Ensure that the outl et for the vacuum pump is not c lose to any i gni tion sourc es and there is
ventilation available. worki ng on them.
Equipment shall be labelled stating that i t has been de-c ommissioned and emptied of
refrigerant. The label s hall be dated and si gned. Ens ure that there ar e labels on the
equipment s tating the equipment contains f lammable refr igerant .
Rec overy
When r em ov ing refri ger ant fr om a sy stem, ei ther for s ervi cing or dec ommis sioning, i t is
recomm ended good practic e that al l refri gerants are removed saf ely.
When t ransferring refrigerant into cy linders, ens ure that only appropri ate refr igerant recov
ery cy linders are employed. Ens ure that the correc t number of cy linders for hol ding the total
s ys tem c harge is av ailable. All c ylinders to be us ed are designated for the
recov ered refrigerant and labelled for that refrigerant (i .e. special c yl ind er s for the r ec overy of
refrigerant). Cy linders s hall be c omplete wi th press ure r el ief valve and as soci ated shut- off
valv es in good work ing order. Empty rec overy c yli nders are ev acuated and, if possi ble, cooled
before rec ov ery occ urs.
The recov ery equipment shall be in good w or king order w ith a set of ins truc ti ons
conc erning the equipment that is at hand and s hal l be s uitable for the recov ery of
f lammable refri ger ants. In addition, a set of c al ibrated weighing sc ales shall be avail able
and i n good worki ng order. Hos es shall be complete with l eak -free dis connect couplings
and i n good condition. Befor e us ing the recovery machine, c heck that it is in s atis fac tor y
work ing order, has been proper ly maintained and that any associated elec tri cal
components are s ealed to prevent i gni ti on in the ev ent of a refr igerant release. Consult
manufac turer if in doubt .
The recov ered refrigerant s hall be r eturned to the refrigerant s uppl ier in the correc t
recov ery cy linder, and the relevant Was te Transfer Note arranged. Do not mi x refrigerants in
recov ery units and es pec ially not in cy linders.
I f c om pr es sors or c ompress or oil s are to be removed, ensure that they hav e been
evac uated to an ac ceptable level to mak e c ertai n that f lammable refrigerant does not
remain within the lubric ant. The ev acuation proc ess s hall be c arried out prior to returning the
c ompressor to the suppliers . Only elec tr ic heati ng to the compress or body shall be
employed to ac celerate this pr oc ess . When oi l is drained from a sy st em, i t shall be carr ied
out s afely.
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