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REF. NO. 492


REF. NO. 492




REF. NO. 492





ion: Column

ubricated VTP






































































 and bowl as

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ction barrel 

























































SH  71569224






. NO. 493


NO. 491




NO. 491




NO. 491






 – 02-15 



Содержание VPC

Страница 1: ...designs ranging in sizes from 50 mm 6 in to 1300 mm 52 in with a single or multiple stages This manual does not cover VTPs fitted with thrust bearing assemblies and VTPs built for cryogenic service PCN 71569224 02 15 F Based on VTP QS 0896 Original Instructions These instructions must be read prior to installing operating using and maintaining this equipment ...

Страница 2: ...gnment Check 34 4 10 Protection Systems 34 5 COMMISSIONING STARTUP OPERATION AND SHUTDOWN 35 5 1 Pre commissioning Procedure 35 5 2 Pump Lubricants 35 5 3 Impeller Adjustment 38 5 4 Direction of Rotation 41 5 5 Guarding 41 5 6 Priming and Auxiliary Supplies 41 5 7 Starting the Pump 42 5 8 Operating the Pump 45 5 9 Stopping and Shutdown 46 5 10 Hydraulic mechanical and electrical duty46 6 MAINTENAN...

Страница 3: ...2 2 48 Installation 4 21 Lifting 2 3 10 Location 4 1 21 Lubrication 5 2 35 Maintenance 6 47 Maintenance schedule 6 2 47 Name nomenclature 3 2 16 Nameplate 1 7 1 8 Nozzle loads 4 7 2 32 Operating limits 3 4 1 21 Ordering spare parts 6 3 1 49 Parts lists 8 58 Performance 3 4 21 Piping 4 7 31 Pre commissioning 5 1 35 Priming and auxiliary supplies 5 6 41 Protection systems 4 10 34 Reassembly 6 10 Ass...

Страница 4: ...h applica relevan To con CE ma and the D 1 3 Inform to be c all of t provid engine used Flowse Interna as cert organiz been d produc and pe parts a incorre may ad feature install o access failure Flowse Flowse may im C 1 4 All righ be rep transm permis D 1 5 This pr specifi acknow separa with th T the pa there i produ Flows If the c are go tempe seeks start u IFUGAL PUM hnical docume able this doc...

Страница 5: ... equired the cturer supplie operations an w all plant fety and healt d actions to mage to the r products TPS CENTRI uld y gh re d ct ty s s es er d th used i sectio WHEN G THE P D BEFOR The ap where F When 250 ºC elastom conditi contac H Many p wearin is requ heavy approp curren A There been s difficul If you e be app GREA Before liquid t thorou to prev This m positio impelle liquid m T Rapid the ...

Страница 6: ...his situatio l valve may e duty followin ommissioning MP DRY FULLY OPEN w the usly will cause eal MP AT W RATES mal or at a flow may overload TPS CENTRI t al be ot r ds g L ve re N he r on ng g e w d the mo cause the pum 1 6 4 M Av Pr Pr Pr Ma The fo when i must b For AT equipm Directi Ex req EU ma IECEx 1 6 4 1 U approp couplin suitably specific Where pump party re shall se equipm Declar the are ...

Страница 7: ... 1 6 4 4 E AND V Ensure pipelin during atmosp make s system proper If the o conditi for ex To avo vapor o must b IFUGAL PUM mperature ris the minimum nt in the temp perator is res fied maximum ded erature classi temperature v ed in different he user is res surface temp ted in the par xplosive atmo ation do not a n by starting me may give a ct between rot e there is any st a closed va g external su...

Страница 8: ... wit plant operator ion hazards d leaning and p give rise to sp E PUMPS VT om mechanica on sparking dom induced ate must be ub non metalli damp st be selected ng alignment pumps on on a non dually earthed handle liquids e the correct and associated harge valves e pressures to This can occu to freezing ting the pump a loss of a se must be result in a e hazard REQUIRED T H GIVE A th maintenanc r dur...

Страница 9: ...VT xposure time reduce y specified a nt was ordere e defined the e to give an that you can nt umber of k design and and so the lerance and e pump and om standard d directly drivin an inverter ma ds for fitting with ise levels in th for the driver wserve or a in combining re approaches easurements el LpA at 1 m d conditions re 1pW then ue ble 1 9 1 are urer s expected ence only and vary ing conditi...

Страница 10: ...age an tely to in one month ms cannot be gs for any be packed hed to side ber Check th ised and ndence as we er accessories be unloaded dent on their 5lbs should b ned personne th local the arge head ed eads pump shown using head over PIN TPS CENTRI g be nd hat ell s be el of the d discha secure the co throug 2 3 2 Cast d recom that he are att of the s P D L L 2 3 3 If the p head u in the d method...

Страница 11: ...RICATED FTING mm 2in HOLE WITH NG TPS CENTRI ge 0 2 3 4 Clamp for liftin sump s a Lo ex ap b Bu an ne c Co he d Ins e As IFUGAL PUM Lifting of b p the bowl ass ng and loweri suction barre ower the bowl xtensions rest ppropriate sup uild the very fi nd lower the e ext column se ontinue to bui ead assembly stall the disch ssemble the m Example MPS ENGLIS bowl assemb sembly and ce ing the assem l ass...

Страница 12: ...tio ng of fully as s fully assem strapped and re it can be lift to the installat me rules are a om the sump AL TURBINE n barrel red as Can has to be insta ts on the flang slings and str rtical position ovide hand su l from swayin n barrel ssembled pu mbled it has to supported at ted from the s tion site See applicable whe and moved to SUCTION BARREL CAN E PUMPS VT is always alled into the ge of th...

Страница 13: ...equired Examples shown here are for illustration only See section 2 3 1 2 3 6 for specific lifting instructions based on design variations The pumps vary in weight length and physical appearances from the types shown here Therefore before lifting is attempted exercise caution to prevent any injuries or loss of life Pump must be supported at least two places when lifted Do not use chains to wrap ar...

Страница 14: ...elat End of Pro life of the prod als and parts sing an enviro ocal regulatio ces which are d be removed rent regulatio or gases in the hazardous su of safely and E PUMPS VT ean dry iping t and other Turn the pump ng of the om sticking ainted surfaces areas If ngs and pipin move the opening for an ter he interior part s to the as s and fasten sed to weathe ts may be rotective posed to months Select...

Страница 15: ... mm 5 of nominal bo s Some unit mbly In such c cted directly to e pumps can MPS ENGLIS arrel Can VT mon VTP mo tions shown in ty of VTP mo ch as EB EG SK SL SN S s in each of t tely see secti mp sizes coul 52 in The s owl diameter ts will not req cases the bow o the discharg have single o SH 71569224 flowse TP SUCTION BARREL CAN DISCHARGE HEAD ASSEMBLY DRIVER odels n sec 3 1 1 an dels with the G E...

Страница 16: ...bove ricated heads wit d head for below ed head for abov ed head for abov section 3 2 2 ation AL TURBINE mber will be e s below The e head assem nomenclatur 12 E nches S Semi open on above is the description I ial number fro ll have a sepa nomenclatu c code as follo 20 6TF16 ase diameter see details b eter in inches bove the ground e the ground disc th base flange w ground discharg ve ground disch...

Страница 17: ...a tube in the cted to the dri driver olid shaft drive ojects below t river requires cting to the pu Discharge also section 3 scharge head mbly as well as st cases MPS ENGLIS cated dischar harge heads s are for illustra gements vary pump that ha drawings sup ctionals from Major Part efer to append s may be used mmon For th drivers can b vers where th e center of the iver by a clutc ers where the th...

Страница 18: ...uid bein earings as an enclosin zes oil or othe ngs d with thrust TPS CENTRI t h ng ng er See se exact c size an specifi 3 3 4 The bo mounte motor vanes require part de 3 3 5 VTPs c foreign straine applica are fas attache are pro attach a b c IFUGAL PUM ectional draw column assem nd configurati c order requir Bowl asse owl assembly ed on the pum Impellers are and are gene ements See etails Suction...

Страница 19: ...e 20 7 bar 300 ions for speci stuffing box is fitted on to rings and allow E PUMPS VT emi open dium and high coverage of a and machined quired surface ics Impellers position on th ng and key xes In such equate for psi Refer to fications x an open lines ws grease lub TPS CENTRI h ll d e s e o 3 3 7 1 This ty linesha used o 3 2 2 1 shaft for press brication 17 PAC 355 13 PAC IFUGAL PUM Low pres 1 yp...

Страница 20: ...s chanical shaf lso be fitted w ontract AL TURBINE ssure stuffin ures are expe sed ft seal with a mechan E PUMPS VT ng box ected to cross nical seal Th TPS CENTRI s 20 bar 300 he requiremen IFUGAL PUM psi up to 65 nt to fit the me MPS ENGLIS 5 bar 1000 ps echanical sea SH 71569224 flowse si extra high al to be provid 4 02 15 erve com ded at ...

Страница 21: ...n or greater than e conducted in p should be tion headroom for able to the the general on llation date a e is to be he equipment equipment is representative antling of the placement of TPS CENTRI to as s ar n 6 n r e P 4 2 The pu ventilat headro practic Refer t dimens 4 2 1 The fo actual a Ma po b Ch up c Ch d Ch wil e Ch an three p should necess On ag clu On ag male s shaft c avoide connec improp...

Страница 22: ... The so aligned by usin level L mounti needs using s least 7 Reche after th installa pit and the sol Check respec in ft a should DIS HEAD 372 373 IFUGAL PUM xample of a ty m ump assembl d with the anc mbly is leveled ion machinist otor mounting mounting su mm m 0 002 i out to set for a k to make sure level to within e the nuts 373 ed for future Directly m y for service es re leveling Leveling o so...

Страница 23: ...re After a the cou should engine Flowse IFUGAL PUM Leveling o mounted o oleplate 23 is igned with the n barrel 315 r bolts Torqu ate The suct a master leve s should be ta es The suctio to be leveled using shims the grout to s mp is installe e levelness a ed with the pu mbly 101 into arge head flan ck to make su pect to the ba 002 in ft and ing data is to mple of pump w Grouting e applicable g addi...

Страница 24: ...ch Uncrating 3 pump ean the parts her foreign ma ush the pump ater Clean al emove any rus rfaces with fin ean all thread quipment MPS ENGLIS d Assembly plied separat ty of the insta bled to the pu 4 5 Discharg p assembly a ly assembled ght If the part customer s re with driver to ation instructio n of pumps t bled in section 2 3 ent and tools on of unasse vers the princ tion cranes capab mp and or...

Страница 25: ...olid s skippin a Att co b Lif int lifti no fla of be c If b be pu dis See se shaft d leveling 4 5 1 5 housin preven housin For pu one pie sealing supplie couple drivers a Att co b Att en c Lif tub 2 3 ins Fa su an d Us fou ce IFUGAL PUM umps supplied ece headsha g housing pro umps supplied shaft couples haft drivers p ng step a tach the head oupling and tig ft discharge he to place See ting method...

Страница 26: ...e the bow Lower the cla on a fla and red a Wh pu fas bo b Lif us c Po the the d If a inc le e If a thi If the p proced section a Ins mo fou b If s so so c Le req d Ch an e Ins IFUGAL PUM Installing 4 se plate is use 02 in per ft ections 4 2 1 on lifting equip ation opening Sum ghly cleaned ation p installation u ed directly ov wl assembly the bowl ass amps or holdin at surface T duce possibili hen...

Страница 27: ...tor or lo er shaft Rem E PUMPS VT solid shaft ving a solid ing he pump shaf appropriate to mp shaft and ks ved from all pump before s nicks and g pump to fai langed eyseat should yseat and a er half coupling liding fit in tight fit in pum should be rance for d 0 076 mm m 0 005 in fo allowable ed if possible eys to obtain mp half of hole in keysea oupling key assembly shaft 12A w ght oil and t hand...

Страница 28: ... 1 f Ins cir ha g Sli the co h Se of 36 4 5 i Pr IFUGAL PUM Installatio 3 coupling w procedure fr 1 stall one set o rcular keyway alf of the coup ide driver half e same mann oupling et the spacer the coupling 64 evenly to 5 4 1 under ite roceed with th TYPE WNA MPS ENGLIS on of non ad g WNA PNA rom a thru e of split thrust y in pump sha pling 44 over f coupling 42 ner as the pum ring 314 bet toget...

Страница 29: ...at irection of terchange any n of rotation on e leads of eith a lower guide h is installed a the shaft at th mount this e others will tions for field TPS CENTRI or ft mp or d he e t en y n er e t his k Ch req mo mo l Ca tha m Cle nu sh n Ins be Do o Th ag lar an nu ins 4 5 4 2 half of the cou Before are no withou Driver circula a Cle an mo b Ce mo Ele po Ge po c Lo tha the d Bo 334 CO IFUGAL PUM h...

Страница 30: ...or half pump shaft eful that the of the hen rotate the rees Record plus or minus two readings e motor one step until the 051mm or the set of the first set mm 0 002in any movemen uctions for cation instructions for rotation a ions and then stop to OTATE oking down a direction of nterchange an TPS CENTRI t y n her 3 d al e s e nt at at ny tw a t eit f Se be co I 4 6 4 6 1 have to should operat invol...

Страница 31: ... ov If the p be rec alignm service P 4 7 connec enterin installa from th 4 7 1 In orde noise i pipe w pump s Typica m s 6 discha Take in higher IFUGAL PUM Pa umps with thic an be aligned e outside diam easuring the g sing feeler gau alipers hen the elect ecessary to en n on its magn Refer to the m If the etic center the verload the p pump is hand hecked in wa ment of the un e hours Piping Prot cti...

Страница 32: ... SUCTION E PUMPS VT s a support fo nts allowed o e 4 6 2 1 d on the pum ype To hat may if earings worn re of the pump e strictly oad N TPS CENTRI r on p p b Ne pu c Do du fla before E provide of haza IFUGAL PUM ever draw pip ump flange co o not mount e ue to internal p ange Ens e use Ensure that th ed to flush the ardous liquid D MPS ENGLIS ing into place onnections expansion join pressure act ure...

Страница 33: ...kNm re for the discha for standard c an ambient TPS CENTRI ts allowed on Discharge Hea 305 12 355 14 1 67 375 1 78 400 2 00 450 2 23 500 1 34 300 1 45 325 1 52 1125 1 59 1175 0 74 550 0 78 575 1 15 850 1 18 875 3 34 750 3 56 800 4 00 900 4 45 1000 2 67 600 2 89 650 3 05 2250 3 18 2350 1 49 1100 1 56 1150 2 30 1700 2 37 1750 3 34 750 3 56 800 4 00 900 4 45 1000 2 67 600 2 89 650 3 05 2250 3 18 2350...

Страница 34: ...ring o TPS CENTRI d o ut A re an ly n nt N n or any co Flowse accord instruc box in current The ide ensure A be fitte If not s control supplie For ele see the before F 4 9 After c severa and all alignm strain P 4 10 T recomm potenti liquid If there pump t minimu should liquid d If there can all power preven relevan If leaka sealing recomm system To prev bearing vibratio IFUGAL PUM onnected devi er...

Страница 35: ...r flushed agent for sho thorou be in a instruc 5 2 1 Open l fluid wh below t pre or that the flush flo All ope more th be ade 5 2 1 1 Allow f minute pre lub 15 ft The fitt head 5 2 1 2 In gene provide connec with a liquid f reliable lubrica system IFUGAL PUM Pump Lub than the stuff nd or lineshaf e further perio ction bearing ked when req carbons or ha suction bear gs packed If storage perio d and...

Страница 36: ...ank volume for pumps started at rated RPM s for all cases of pre lubrication methods suggested in this section Depth to water level at the time of starting the pump m ft Pre Lubrication tank size m 3 US gal More than Upto 0 9 30 0 9 30 30 100 0 19 50 30 100 60 200 0 38 100 60 200 150 500 0 75 200 Example b STARTUP LEVEL MAX LEVEL GATE VALVE SHOULD WITHSTAND MAX DISCHARGE PRESSURE PIPING MUST BE KE...


Страница 38: ...PS CENTRI y s oil an s y ed en d d se The inj off p make s for sub pressu startup 5 2 3 The fo linesha conditi oils no 5 2 3 1 Equiva require selecte mm2 s minimu The po the low housin 5 2 4 The co glass a operat mixed the oil water due to result i poor lu I 5 3 Proper inside The im from dr as to a The im when s subjec agains is dow ET IFUGAL PUM jected lubrica periods Adeq sure that the bsequent ...

Страница 39: ...hand d larger sizes ntil impellers e shaft will supplied with ded impeller mation ew f this pump th h changes he impeller impeller settin table 5 3 1 1 FT 10 AFT NUT 66 ER KEY 335 TPS CENTRI es g be g is ed a e h he ng g Us nu mo loc tighten Failure and dr h If a me 5 3 1 1 Flowse setting If the is Size Size a of the for this model diamet see the for exa specifi 5 3 1 2 He Shaft m in 25 32 1 38 1 ...

Страница 40: ...hin 0 For p step f e Mo co ba ind Slo No is m co co dri to dri tho no to g f On mo mo po ind jac mo Re mi rea mo un 0 S STUFF EXTEN IFUGAL PUM the wedges c urements take 0 10 mm 0 0 umps using j ount the magn oupling a ban ase due to limi dicator on the owly rotate th ote and record more than 0 2 ouplings or 0 1 ouplings unbo iver in the dire within the allo If a re iver will be ab ousandths of ot...

Страница 41: ... hole a eptable reading s used adjust s time E PUMPS VT jackscrews Once all 2 in tighten ement in en the n of the a supplied mation is not he match mar e driver half d impellers th creasing the line with the en impellers be in line whe n the marking go to step h 0 degrees to coupling until This can be and At the mp will turn n the motor ha ginal gap and o the original en bolts by Mount e tip of in...

Страница 42: ...an and free f hese surfaces th a scraper ecessary and e file xterior strain m ump The mo spect is forcin ump It is reco onnectors be i e pump l threads shou paired if nece move the par range to catc nto other parts th a wire brus nds of shafts m moved since nds butting sq onnections wit bricant an ap ould be used n pumps equip id should be p umps under su ccomplished b e seal chambe ith pumps not ...

Страница 43: ...sho long and usu ation All ope level is more arge head sho e startup The e ratchet on t turning off pu ation is also n Enclosed s sed lineshaft b eous liquid u l reservoir mu y of light turbin ting temperatu minute for ev on systems a on pressure a ry Usually 0 0 14 bar 10 t arge pressure commended o ation under no bles 5 2 3 1 a e available oi d be obtained on inhibitors a cSt mm2 sec ity index o...

Страница 44: ... of trouble re present wed to run un ump when as is TPS CENTRI nt e e t e nt e se is e ntil someti pump a allowe Every lines s pump bearing checke require supply supply 5 7 6 The ch service Lubrica analys interva The m consid the driv with th Flowse bases 5 7 7 Pumps suppor Machin are ba pumps N tak conditi and re pump o be take 5 7 7 1 Motor 0 75 7 5 t 75 to N Nor IFUGAL PUM imes present and caus...

Страница 45: ...t a tim level n is requ C on an o Loose caught replace a short 5 8 3 Mecha initial le Before possib clean l started a perio even fo IFUGAL PUM Pumps fitt pump has a p ge from the gl ger tight only he stuffing bo The gland mu leakage and avoid excess place the pac heating takes ed and allowe the pump is r ge is taking pl iquids are be sen the gland ump should b ge and the gla me until leaka normall...

Страница 46: ... absorb reduce checks if chan 5 10 3 Chang absorb direct p ratio sq The ne system therefo pressu NPSHA within l 5 10 4 NPSH availab pressu NPSH require pressu importa NPSHA change are no perform particu If in do office f margin 5 10 5 Flow m maxim perform IFUGAL PUM change If in erve office Specific gr capacity and e with SG ho ure gauge is d bed is also dir ore important t overload the mp Viscosi...

Страница 47: ...ople to clean asures to arning board TPS CENTRI ed it s rt e to to he With e open a on the Mach Never carbon fumes M 6 2 and sc Instruc a An mo co b Gl giv the tem c Ch co ch d Ch run e Ch op f Ch tem sa g Ch aro mo h Ch ne Our sp preven conditi identify If any p actions a Re for b En rec Contac IFUGAL PUM lectric drive e and withdraw fuse box or m hine under re clean equipm n tetrachloride when u...

Страница 48: ...line the required o e injection lub on lubed User TPS CENTRI e le e g t d oil be 6 2 4 Ordina proper change loosen comple 6 2 5 6 2 5 1 Mainte the box occasio installin 6 2 5 2 Under the stu industr 6 2 5 3 Remov a lante using t Inspec Be sur Repair If wear concen Oil insi install i replace Replac packin where A sma lubrica Packin Packin IFUGAL PUM Impeller re arily impellers rly set at initia All...

Страница 49: ...ce with fic repair ned and s written still under hat have bee we need the part as listed rawing as shown on TPS CENTRI ot se nd l n d 6 3 2 Genera pump t the foll you do Flowse 6 3 2 1 Sugge handlin interru 6 3 2 2 Sugge handlin interrup objecti Please your ar your re 6 3 3 Spares from v metalli recom R 6 4 A list o include docum pump a event t Flowse T 6 5 Standa follow Op ran So ran All Sta So F...

Страница 50: ...0 A 276 40000 5 4 8 6 14 10 20 15 31 23 45 33 60 44 101 75 163 120 0 244 180 0 352 260 0 366 270 0 488 360 0 502 370 0 570 420 0 610 450 0 746 550 0 800 590 0 963 710 0 1031 760 0 1180 870 0 1302 960 00 1778 1310 90 1968 1450 80 2850 2100 90 TPS CENTRI n ols as R CLASS 2 LUB Mate 64 0 C Hastalloy C276 Approximate Yie 345 50000 Torque 5 4 11 8 16 12 25 19 39 29 75 41 54 73 127 94 203 150 312 230 44...

Страница 51: ...ete 71 the driver nd discharge head nd keep the ead 304 m the discharg TPS CENTRI ead or o od s d ely r ge he loc h If t ca pu a s cle i Us the j Lif k Lif See se informa E 6 9 assem proper enhanc Before all bolt faces require proper IFUGAL PUM ead and place cation the pump is o an rig the disc ump assembly suitable hoist earance befor se eye bolts a e lifting mech fting of short s Remove the head...

Страница 52: ... 1 690 42 1 49 21 1 940 49 1 55 56 2 190 55 2 61 91 2 440 61 2 68 26 2 690 68 2 74 61 2 940 74 2 82 55 3 250 82 3 88 90 3 500 88 3 95 25 3 750 95 3 101 60 4 000 10 3 114 30 4 500 11 4 127 00 5 000 12 4 e epoxy carb gs are presse ther be presse ter until the wa rubber bearin can be remov e of the bearin bearing bore o ed the part s e a true bore f cement bearin ousings so bor nces Measur ng and rea...

Страница 53: ...ing must m be re faced by cility or replac er has a balan te pumping va cked section 6 9 4 closed impelle AL TURBINE empting to rew ken to maintai as new toler mbly of bowl as ols to perform ded to seek t cians to inspe enclosed imp ys and check on or corrosion igns of exces ng clearances d in the sectio e maximum t 50 the new obtain correc s furnished w hey may be p epairs may re ded to contac be...

Страница 54: ...led mm i 533 0 432 021 0 017 0 0 635 0 483 025 0 019 0 0 635 0 533 025 0 021 0 0 660 0 559 026 0 022 0 0 686 0 584 027 0 023 0 0 711 0 610 028 0 024 0 0 737 0 635 029 0 025 0 0 762 0 660 030 0 026 0 0 788 0 686 031 0 027 0 0 813 0 711 032 0 028 0 0 890 0 737 035 0 029 0 0 914 0 762 036 0 030 0 0 940 0 788 037 0 031 0 0 965 0 813 038 0 032 0 0 990 0 838 039 0 033 0 0 010 0 864 040 0 034 0 0 041 0 8...

Страница 55: ...the natu methods used materials are i owed to preve tock Refer to irements for s AL TURBINE onsult the sec has been pur mbly and parts cross sectiona rts details can Flowserve fo ation for trained Fl ssembly need ufacturer s ins mbly of mech e precaution d hat there is no re of the mate d Wherever nvolved prop ent any dange o applicable l specific safety E PUMPS VT ctional chased may s al drawings...

Страница 56: ...S CENTRI ed red uid PO A SYS on shaft o low uction s in liquid uck line gged or pump ntly han differential an pump ent from the designed y B MECHA in on Loose onary part IFUGAL PUM OSSIBLE REME STEM PROBLEM Check requirem See PART 2 Sec Check NPSHa strainers fittings Check and purg Reverse chuck v See start up inst Check suction li Check suction p Start and stop se available to back Check out syst...

Страница 57: ...PS CENTRI ed red uid PO joint failure running off stalled seal use of worn ng in uid pumped preventing g properly mproper b mechanical ngs s gs damage sembly wrong ntamination C MOTOR EL control d motor short nly IFUGAL PUM OSSIBLE REME Replace or cons Replace joint an Check and renew Check alignmen Consult Flowser Check misalignm satisfactory chec Check Consult Check mechanic Check method o clean...

Страница 58: ...rin and do IFUGAL PUM ections 8 1 1 a All the sec n are typical r on pump type ses of basic u etails shown m that has been nal drawings Flowserve sep ng and pricing ocumentation MPS ENGLIS and 8 1 2 for ctional drawin representation es and are pro understanding may not reflec n purchased and parts list parately Con g information SH 71569224 flowse parts details ngs provided ns of the mos ovided fo...

Страница 59: ... 327 326 327A A 417 131 E PUMPS VT ge head and gn product lu and column T BUSHING TPS CENTRI d column ass ubricated VTP 32 327 34 34 34 35 35 36 41 41 41 42 42 43 47 IFUGAL PUM sembly P 7 NUT HEX 7A NUT HEX 47 O RING 48 HOUSIN 49 SEAL ME 54 STUD TH 55 NUT HEX 66 SCREW 6 PLUG PI 7 SCREW 8 WASHER 4 NAMEP 5 DRIVE S 31 O RING 71 ASSEMB REF ASS ELE 366 14 39 307 101 327 325 12A 366 14 39 307 431 348 41...


Страница 61: ...ections 8 2 1 a All the sec n are typical r on pump type ses of basic u etails shown m that has been nal drawings Flowserve sep ng and pricing ocumentation MPS ENGLIS and 8 2 2 for ctional drawin representation es and are pro understanding may not reflec n purchased and parts list parately Con g information SH 71569224 flowse parts details ngs provided ns of the mos ovided for the g of the equip c...

Страница 62: ...E SH LING UBE NUT N RGE ARING ED FF IGHT FEED ED 302 85 BLY 83 79 4 Y 88 42 41 89 396 354 4 397 103 12A 85 374 103 327 326 382 381 E PUMPS VT enclosed sh bricated VTP nd oil lube c T AFT 417 418 TPS CENTRI haft and oil lu P connections 374 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 396 397 414 417 418 424 425 431 469 IFUGAL PUM ube connecti O RING B SCREW NUT HEX CAP BAND STOVE B NUT HEX LUBRICA FITTING ...

Страница 63: ... VE LINESHAFT ECTIVE UBE REG EADED LINE SH RGE SPLIT IMPELLE SPLIT COUPLIN E PUMPS VT nd enclosing bricated VTP 03 03 54 54 25 26 57 57 26 12 32 12 32 28 ing tube AFT R NG TPS CENTRI tube assem P 316 319 319 321 322 323 328 354 357 358A 361 369 422 426 427 428 429 430 431 IFUGAL PUM bly 89 85 101 30 35 31 369 31 31 31 55 42 316 431 430 6 26 430 429 428 26 430 429 428 6 STRAINE 9 RING WE 9 RING WE ...

Страница 64: ...l r on pump type ses of basic u etails shown m that has been nal drawings Flowserve sep ng and pricing ocumentation MPS ENGLIS and 8 3 2 for ctional drawin representation es and are pro understanding may not reflec n purchased and parts list parately Con g information SH 71569224 flowse parts details ngs provided ns of the mos ovided for the g of the equip ct the specific Order specif can be purch...

Страница 65: ...rge head c VE LINESHAFT REG VE THROTTLE B NG RGE RING ED ED NG BOX OTTLE BUSHING CAL E PUMPS VT ge head colu P with a suctio column sucti BUSHING G TPS CENTRI umn suction on barrel ion barrel 35 35 37 37 37 38 38 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 43 IFUGAL PUM barrel 101 307 54 STUD T 55 NUT H 72 STUD T 73 NUT H 74 O RING 81 SCREW 82 NUT H 12 STUD T 13 NUT H 16 PLUG 17 SCREW 18 WASHE 24 DISPLA 25 DRIVE 31 O RI...

Страница 66: ...7 326 32 323 2 8 426 312 32 428 426 428 426 426 354 E PUMPS VT and bowl as P with the suc TPS CENTRI ssembly ction barrel IFUGAL PUM THRUST R 312 F THRUST BALA MPS ENGLIS 319 319 310 310 RING DETAIL 312 26 ANCED IMPELLER 26 310 319 319 55 428 430 429 430 429 428 429 430 429 428 429 430 309 430 6 ASS REF REF ASS REF ASS 319 REF ASS SH 71569224 flowse R SEMBLY NO 493 NO 491 SEMBLY NO 491 SEMBLY NO 4...

Страница 67: ...are certific ngs etc If re separately to these User in E PUMPS VT wl assembly T ER NG WEAR RING awing ing and any ract will be se e contract ed into the Us plied n those with t ract nstructions cates for CE quired copie the Purchase nstructions TPS CENTRI ent ser he s er 10 O D S 10 1 Supple contrac Instruc control mounti Book should with th Where used a by avo end of standa C 10 2 If any c Divisi...

Страница 68: ...Ke 6700 Ke 1310 Su 2922 Sa col 2909 Ad 2909 Ad 7119 Sc 7020 Sh 3160 Dri 4590 Ga 4610 O 3800 Lu 3831 Lu 4110 Stu 1917 Sh 4610 O 4305 Sh TPS CENTRI s Europum terminology descripti peller peller suction ump shaft peller wear ring op shaft head ermediate shaf aft op shaft head acking earing sleeve uffing box glan ase plate ocket head cap ntern ring ey uffing box bush earing bushing oupling half dri ou...

Страница 69: ...n line shaft 308 Tube enclosing top 1917 Shaft enclosing tube 309 Case discharge 1140 Discharge casing 197 Case discharge 309 Spool discharge 1140 Discharge casing 310 Bowl 1170 1 Pump bowl 199 Bowl intermediate 311 Collet drive 2484 Clamping ring impeller bushing 84 Collet impeller lock 311 Collet threaded 312 Ring thrust split coupling 7410 Coupling ring 86 Ring thrust split 312 Ring thrust spli...

Страница 70: ...fing box 3853 Grease nipple 346 Slinger 2540 Oil flinger oil deflector 40 Deflector 347 Oring stuffing box throttle bush Hsg 4610 O ring 348 Housing throttle bushing 4210 Mechanical seal housing 83 Box stuffing 349 Housing seal 4212 Seal plate 83 Box stuffing 350 Stabilizer tube 351 Screw cap hex head driver adapter 6570 Screw 352 Screw cap hex head driver stand 6570 Screw 353 Nut hex driver stand...

Страница 71: ...line 388 Fitting compression elbow f tank oiler assy 389 Fitting compression straight f tank oiler assy 390 Bearing assembly ag 392 Nipple pipe pre lube 393 Valve gate pre lube 394 Pin lifting f head 2923 Pin 395 Ring retaining f head 396 Clip safety f tube nut 397 Screw cap hex head tube nut 6570 Screw 399 Adapter column flanged to flanged 1140 Discharge casing 400 Screw cap hex head adapter colu...

Страница 72: ... Key keyed coupling 6700 Key 434 Ring retaining keyed coupling 2530 Retaining ring 435 Stud thrust keyed coupling 6572 Stud 436 Oring reinforcing tube to suction case 4610 O ring 437 Tube reinforcing 438 Oring reinforcing tube 4610 O ring 439 Ring reinforcing 440 Oring top injection tube to housing 4610 O ring 441 Coupling column threaded f suction 6850 Pipe coupling 442 Housing bearing stand 443 ...

Страница 73: ...on return valve 476 Thrust stand driver stand 3160 Driver pedestal 477 Thrust stand coupling flg flexible 7112 Flexible coupling 478 Thrust stand cap upper 3260 2 Bearing cover 479 Thrust stand screw cap hex hd upper cap 6570 Screw 480 Thrust stand grease zerk cap 3853 Grease nipple 481 Thrust stand fitng pipe plug upper cap 6578 Threaded plug 482 Thrust stand oil sleeve or thrust sleeve 2470 Cent...

Страница 74: ...and screw cap hex hd dr stand to brg hsg 6570 Screw 503 Thrust stand fitng pipe plug hex sckt flush seal side 6578 Threaded plug 504 Thrust stand fitng pipe plug hex sckt flush seal top 6578 Threaded plug 505 Thrust stand bearing spindle 2471 Bearing adapter sleeve 506 Thrust stand lockwasher 6541 Lock washer 507 Thrust stand locknut 6580 Nut 508 Thrust stand oil impeller 4223 Pumping ring 509 Thr...

Страница 75: ...VERTICAL TURBINE PUMPS VTPS CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS ENGLISH 71569224 02 15 Page 75 of 76 flowserve com NOTES ...

Страница 76: ...e Pte Ltd 10 Tuas Loop Singapore 637345 Telephone 65 6771 0600 Fax 65 6862 2329 Your Flowserve factory contacts Flowserve Pump Division 5310 Taneytown Pike PO Box 91 Taneytown MD 21787 0091 USA Telephone 1 410 756 2602 Customer Service FAX 1 410 756 2615 Parts inquiry Order PH 1 800 526 3569 Flowserve Spain S L Avenida Fuentemar 26 28 Coslada Madrid Spain 28023 Telephone 34 91 660 4600 Fax 34 91 6...
