Patient Therapy Controller (PTC
) Guide, For use with Prometra
Programmable Infusion Systems
Bolus or Drug Bolus
– supplement drug dose prescribed by your doctor. This drug dose has a set amount and is delivered in a set amount of time.
– Patient Therapy Controller
Dose per Bolus
the amount of medication that will be delivered by your pump.
Drug Bolus Duration
– the length of time that it will take to deliver your bolus.
Allotted Boluses per day
– The maximum number of boluses allowed to be delivered within 24 hours.
Lockout Duration
– The length of time that you must wait between bolus deliveries.
Date of Next Refill
– the date in which the anticipated reservoir volume will reach 3.0 mL. This refill date makes the assumption that all allotted
boluses per day will be delivered. The PTC calculates the refill date at the start of each bolus.