2a. Typical Operation Program Mode
You should check specification & conditions of used batteries before you input Set V, Set A and
Set Time for regeneration of batteries. Wrong set values will cause damage to batteries due to
over charge or other reasons.
1. Locate and record the following information found on the battery to be
-Nominal Voltage
-AH rating (may be stated as C6/6 hour rating, C10/10 hour rating, C20/20 hour
rating etc.
1. A typical regeneration process includes the following steps,
assuming the process begins with a fully charged battery to be
1. Discharge Battery to 20% capacity while monitoring AH output
2. Mass charge battery
3. Final/equalization charge battery
4. Again discharge battery while monitoring AH output; comparing to step #1.
5. Repeat step #2
6. Repeat step #3
When the above program cycle is completed, mode 1 can be compared to
mode 3 (two discharge cycles) in order to easily demonstrate machines
2b. Program mode setup
2. If battery C10 or 10 hour rating is not given you must estimate
the 10 hour rating by preforming the following.
Multiply C6/6 hour rating by 110% becomes C10.
Multiply C20/20 hour rating by 90% becomes C10.