Movable pedestals:
Movable pedestals utilize two mounting plates on either side of the boat. The
pedestal/baseplate assembly can thus be used on the most advantageous side of
the boat.
Baseplate accessory parts:
Baseplate Tether Kits
Baseplates with removable sub plates, track and rail mounts, and
pedestal mounts are supplied with a tether. The nylon thumbscrews will
tend to snap when an obstacle is accidentally hit. Baseplates will flip into
the water. The tether will hold it to the boat and prevent you fishing the
baseplate from deep or murky water. One end of the tether cable is
uncrimped so you can decide what length may be best for your boat. To
crimp the ferrule simply slide it on and crimp use your fishing pliers or
flatten the ferrule with a hammer!