Perspective mount Hints:
To allow easier alignment of the transducer with the handle while in perspective view
use index marks on the downrod disk.
Always try to center the transducer under the downrod to minimize the potential
rotational effect of moving water on the downrod.
Marine Board baseplates may see additional stress due to the added water resistance of
the perspective bracket. Test carefully to ensure that undue stress is not placed on the
baseplate when moving the boat faster than 3mph.
Lowrance LSS, TotalScan and Structure Scan & 3in1
Remove the disk from the plate.
Run the cable through the disk and the downrod (make sure cones are on the downrod
as well as the strain relief ring and handle if purchased).
Reattach the plate to the disk puck
there is an alignment mark for proper mounting.
Do not attempt to mount the transducer yet. Dress the cable so it is short but can still
be routed through the channel and up the downrod.
Secure the transducer to the plate. Make sure that the transducer cable is tight to the
assembly, so it does not catch underwater obstacles.
Finally secure the finished assembly to the downrod.
Index Piece
(do not use with SI Livesight or Livescope)
The index piece is the cutout portion of the cup (the slot). If you
mount it on the cone (on the downrod), then the downrod can
only go into the cup in one way - thus providing a means of
indexing the downrod to have it aligned to the boat - no matter
how the base is mounted to the boat.
If you are using Down Imaging transducer, you may want the
index to be mounted to the cone/downrod. With the downrod
in the baseplate, simply align the transducer with the boat and then screw the index piece into
the cone. Then you can only deploy the downrod in the proper direction.
If you are using side imaging, then I suggest not using the index piece as it is very handy to be
able to turn the transducer to look for schools of crappie or other structures. In this case,
with the downrod in the baseplate, align the transducer with the boat. Then on the top drill a
small divot (1/4 in drill) in the top of the cone, and a corresponding divot in the top of the cup
(do this from inside the boat so you can see them) and then fill the divot with a bit of white
paint. Then when the dots are aligned, the transducer is in line with the boat. And, if you are
scanning, you will know the transducer direction based on the direction of the dot.