Strain Relief Ring:
To protect the cable exiting from the
downrod, we supply a strain relief ring.
Install as shown in the photo. Be sure to
run the cable with the ring installed on
the downrod to prevent cable damage.
Pound the ring onto the downrod as
necessary to fully seat the ring.
it is not
seated in the photo to the right.
Note: Install handles first as the ring is slightly larger than the handle and will not
allow it to pass.
Extra Downrod Cone
Place cone on the downrod prior to running cables through the
The Extra Downrod cone is generally mounted near the bottom of the downrod.
Due to different weights of transducers, we leave it to the user to determine a
proper location. Install the cone so that the downrod is bottom heavy or
balanced. Remove the screw, locate the cone, drill 1/8 in hole thru the downrod,
reinstall the screw. Note: DO NOT use the baseplate for high speed stowage of
the downrod. Stow the downrod safely inside the boat.
Handle Assemblies
Handle assemblies slip over the downrod and are held in place with a set screw.
Install the Handle prior to installing the strain relief ring. You will need to drill a
1/8 inch dia hole to securely set the handle on the downrod.
The existing holes on the downrod are not drilled for the
Typically for Livesight/Livescope, the handle should point in
the same line as the transducer is facing.